Monday, June 19, 2017

Lies and Damn Lies

I'm writing this while a violent thunderstorm rages outside and while a poignant Tchaikovsky aria is being sung by a remarkable Russian basso on my XM radio.  My lovely daughter is feeling better today and feels like eating and joking.  So... I feel good too.  Ain't this a great world!

The National Geographic magazine for June 2017 is highlighting an eye-opening story with this title:  "Why We Lie."  The title page byline reads: "Honesty may be the best policy, but deception and dishonesty are part of being human."

The types of lies are highlighted:

Lying for self-aggrandizement.

Lying for fun.

Lying for personal gain.

Lying for country.

Lying to entertain.

Lying for strategic advantage.

Lying to tell stories. 

Lying for professional gain.

If you own up to telling lies... which of the categories above do your lies mainly fit into?  I like to think that at certain times my lies were made just to have fun, because of the many pranks and hoaxes I have attempted over my lifetime, for instance, here are a few:

I (almost) fooled a famous hoaxer by telling him about my famous "Concordance of X."

I did fool a skeptical analyst into believing that one of the large-scale computers at the Social Security Administration recognized him by name and conversed with him.

With the help of my great secretary, Letha, I conned a number of co-workers who happened to be 6 foot 3 or taller.

I wrote my version of the "Eliza" interactive program which appeared to carry on a reasonable conversation with  keyboard users.

And I do admit to "exaggeration for effect."  Is that "lying to tell stories?"  My problem is, as I've grown older, perhaps my memory gets mixed up.  I just took a Great Courses memory course.  I learned that when we store a memory for recall, we just store the "big stuff" and not the "run of the mill" details, otherwise, we would run out of brain space in a short period of time.

So, when we recall something, our brain feeds us the main information, and then fills in the rest of the information with common-usage stuff  that seems to fit in.  In other words, like a computer program, our brains provide us with a lot of "filler" that was not part of the original event.   I'm not good at explaining this, but trust me.... would I lie to you?

It seems that the biggest liars are teen-agers (age 13-17).

Some liars that you may have heard of:

Valerie Plame (former CIA agent..  worked undercover for over 20 years.
President Richard Nixon:  "I am not a crook."
President Bill Clinton:  "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
Lance Armstrong and the Tour de France.
Charles Ponzi and his "scheme."
Bernie Madoff and his "scheme."
P.T. Barnum ... the first "fake news" person

I've read where the probable winner of all of the "Pants on Fire" awards in the opinion of over half of the people in the United States is President Donald J. Trump.   Why does he say such things?  Over and over.  Tweet or mouth.

As Hitler's propagandists learned, the "people" will believe any lie as long as it is big, brazen and loud.  But, history always shows how these lies were just fabrications and not worthy of contemplation by rational persons, and "big time" liars like Edie Amin and Hitler are certainly not regarded as the "nice guys" they thought that their lies would help them be.

Get a copy of the current National Geographic...  it's great! and I'm not lying to you.


Saturday, June 17, 2017

Prepop Sez Words of the Day for May 2017

Lots going on. Not much time to blog, but here is a list of the Prepop Sez Words of the Day that I post to Facebook each day.  I'm hopeful that these words might cause people to think about what is going on in our Country.  (Remember please... this is all "in my humble opinion" and I am open to the consideration of other viewpoints.... some of which I have already received, but which have not yet changed my mind.)


May 1   UNDERDONE  (This is a word I borrowed from my Brother Joe Powers.)

"Activity of the new administration in the White House"

    *           May 2   INSPIRATION

    *          This relates to my beautiful daughter Elizabeth's handling of overwhelming medical issues.


FBI Director Comey and the Senate Investigation

May 4    WAIVERS

The GOP Health Bill offers State waivers on Pre-existing Conditions!

May 5    PYRRHIC

The House passes Trump Care 217-214.


What is happening because of Trump Care.

May 7    HACKING

Possible Russian hacking of the French election


Winner Macron's crie:   "Ensemble, la  France!"

May 9    DEFLECT

Trump blaming Obama again.

May 10    NIXONIAN

Trump firing of FBI Director Comey.

May 11    WEASEL

Guess who?  Definition:  "a sneaky, untrustworthy, insincere person."


Mr. Trump's threat to Mr. Comey on a tweet.

May 13    TAPES!

From the Trump and Comey meeting... do they exist?  Hinted at by Mr. Trump in a Tweet..

May  14    MUHTAL

Con-man in arabic.

May 15    NOCHEL

Swindler in Hebrew.

May 16    BIGMOUTH

Mr. Trump supposedly giving secrets to the Russians.

May 17    MEMCON

Mr. Comey's (cover my ass) notes after meeting with Mr. Trump.

May 18     WITCH-HUNT

Sez President Trump in a lot of Tweets. .

May 19    JUNKET

Mr. Trump's trip to the Near East.

May 20    NUT-JOB

Mr. Trump insulting FBI Director Comey.


"That's a lie!"  in Arabic. (Trump is in Saudi Arabia)

  *May 22   LOVE!

  *All my love to my poor daughter, Elizabeth, with so many problems.


Yiddich for con man (Trump is in Israel)


Italian for "con-man"... (Trump is in Rome)


Dutch for "con-man"...  (Trump is in Brussels)

May 26     FEATHER

"Birds of a feather."  Mr. Trump and Mr. Kushner are under investigation... or so I've heard.

May 27    BULLY

One can view a video of President Trump pushing the Prime Minister of Monte Negro  aside, in order to be in the front of a photograph.

May 28    SCRUTINY

What the FBI is supposedly subjecting  Mr. Kushner to, closely.


Different kinds are being reported.  Mr. Trump with Mr. Macron (firm and long)
Mr. Trump with Melania (short and barely touching.)


Angela Merkel thinks that she can handle "big ego" guys like Putin and Trump.


Jared Kushner and the Russian ambassador talking about the possible establishment of a line of communications not subject to US monitoring.


Thursday, June 8, 2017

Knives; Memory; Netflix Shows; Toyota; Teen-Agers; Claw Machine; Obese Pets; Elevators; Joke

Long time no blog.

What's going on in my life?  Funny you should ask.


Years ago, Elaine bought 6 paring knives with colored handles.  Over the years, some of them have disappeared.  We only have three left.  So, on a trip to the Gettysburg outlet stores, we bought 6 more at the Kitchen Outlet Store.  They were only $1 each... a good by, except, they are sharp as razor blades.

I unsheathed one and sliced into my thumb..  lots and lots of blood to be staunched.  Later, I got my index finger sliced and after that, the finger next in line.  So, with three fingers covered with bandages and bandaids, I tried to function.  Have you ever tried bathroom activity with your left hand bandaged?  Not so easy.  But I lived through it.  Somebody yesterday told me about an ancient mariner who was on blood thinners... who cut homself  accidentally and bled to death.  So, let that be a lesson to you.


I'm almost through with a Great Course on my car's player.  The professor has a lot to say about our memories.  One thing that he says is that when we remember something, we just pull up  a small amount of information... our brain supplies the rest of the details from a common repository.. because, if we remembered all details of events, our brain would fill up quickly.  Think about that for a while.

The professor also says that to improve our memory, we should not rely on Crossword Puzzles, but, instead, take dancing lessons.


House of Cards is back and I am now hooked again.

Orange is the New Black is back and I will be hooked again.

I watched The Keepeers, which was about Catholic Priest abuse and murder of teen age girls in a Baltimore suburb during the 1960's.  I remember the cases.  My blood boiled then, and it boils again as I watch this documentary.


I had funerals and  birthday parties and graduation ceremonies to go to last Saturday.  Instead, I spent hours at our local Toyota dealer while they figured out why my Rav4 was not working well.  It turned out to be a messed up alternator.... a new one of which had to be ordered from the factory.

I came back the next day to learn that the ordered part had disappeared.  But, they had already prepped the car for the transplant, so it was undrivable.  They gave me a "loaner," which had a lot of pushbuttons and GPS screens.  I had to have help getting it started and running.  They told me to come back the next day to retrieve my car.

I drove a total of 12 miles in this loaner, and used a quarter of tankful of gas!  I had to get it filled to half in order to turn it back in and avoid a fine.  Oy!  But, I did get my car back... and thus begins the "Nickel and Dive" time for me. ($800 this time.)

Well Disciplined Youngsters

While we were at the Gettysburg Outlet Stores, we stopped in the food court to fill our stomachs before our trip back to Westminster.  All of a sudden, an explosion of kids occurred.  At least 200 teen-agers in maroon t-shirts entered.  Their shirts showed stars and stripes, and said "forever."  So, we knew they were patriotic.

The boys were all quite tall... as well as most of the girls.  And... they were very polite and well-behaved.  Elaine and I asked one of the adults with them what High School they represented.  They were not high-schoolers, they were in the 7th and 8th grades of a Tesxas Junior High School.

Why were these kids so tall?  Have they been eating hormone-filled hamburgers?

This school takes their kids for a two-week tour of the East Coast each year.  They visit Washington, DC, then Gettysburg, New York and Boston.  Imagine, herding 200 young people for two weeks. And the expense......  some scholarships, but mostly, the parents foot the bill.

Goat Yoga!

This idiocy has finally reached rural Maryland.  Ladies bring their Yoga mats to a farm where a herd of baby goats live.  As the ladies do their exercises, the goats are tempted to jump on their backs and legs.  Yuck!  To each his own.

The Claw

A young boy somehow worked his way into a claw machine trying to get a prize.  Unfortunately, once he got in, he couldn't get out, and firemen had to rescue him.  They did not let him keep any of the stuffed toys.

Hope for Fat Pets

The Week magazine reports that the nation's first animal obesity center has opened at Tuft's University in Massachusetts.  Treatments cost $250.

And You Thought that New York City was the Billionaire Heaven

A Florida hotel (Porsche Design Tower in Sunny Isles) has three indoor elevator that take residents up to their condos in their cars. The New York Post says that one of the 56th floor condos has enough space for 11 cars.  And the asking price is only $32 million!

Ending with a Joke from Reader's Digest

"Guess what I heard today?" a man says to his wife.
"What, hon?" she askes.
"The mailman has seduced every woman on our block but one."
"Huh," his wife says.  "I bet it's that stuck up Phyllis in number 23."
