I found these items while reading the
New York Times Book Review for 07/30-08/05 2017:
Hardcover Non-Fiction Best Seller List
#1 Al Franken, Giant of the Senate by (who else?) Al Franken
Elaine and I love Al Franken and I admit to sending him a few dollars for his Senate run. I ordered this book from Amazon for Elaine a couple of weeks ago. The day after I ordered it, it appeared on our front porch. (Match that, Walmart/Google!)
Yes... I hope that Al will put himself in the running for the 2020 Presidential election. I wonder who the Republican candidate will be.
#4 Conscience of a Conservative by Senator Jeff Flake.
Even though he stole the title from Mr. Goldwater and "is not a real Conservative," I'm glad that a Republican is standing up to Mr. Trump. Mr. Trump, as expected, is bad mouthing Mr. Flake via TWITTER and is pushing his opponent in the upcoming Senatorial election.
I quote Flake: "We pretended that the emperor wasn't naked, even worse, we checked our critical faculties at the door and pretended that the emperor was making sense."
#5 Devil's Bargain by Joshua Green
I quote: "A deeply reported account of the relationship between Donald Trump and his chief strategist, Steve Bannon."\
I believe that if it wasn't for Bannon's slick plan to garner the most important electoral votes, Mr. Trump would not have won. Trump owes him a lot. But, as usual, Trump fires everybody, regardless of their loyalty to him at some point. Consider: Chris Christy, Jeff Sessions, and a host of others.
#7 The Big Lie by Dinesh D'Souza.
I quote: "The conservative commentator argues that the American left is a fascist threat."
Come on, Dinesh, what are you smoking?
#8 Rediscovering Americanism by Mark Levin
Mark doesn't like the size of our modern government. I think it scares him.
#9 Understanding Trump by Newt Gingrich
Hey, Newt, I think most of us do understand Trump. And, guess what, we also understand you and your advice to the Republican party to denigrate Democrats.... by using the Adjective Democrat where Democratic would be the proper word... by adding hurtful adjectives to the names of Democrats... for instance: Crooked Hillary.
#13 Dangerous by Milo Yiannopoulos
I quote again: "The alt-right provocateur criticizes political correctness."
Yesterday, while waiting for a carry-out order, I observed a young girl with a college shirt waitressing at the sit-down section of the shop, while reading this book. College assignment? Curiosity? Interesting.
Also in the Book Review:
While Fergus M. Bordewich was critiquing
Wrestling With His Angel by Sidney Blumenthal, he tells us that "At a time when Americans may fantasize returning to a kinder and gentler style of politics, (he) reminds us that every age has been fraught with anxiety and dread, and that in government, times are always tough, and the future uncertain."
Funny Times for September 2017 lists a Harper's Index item that indicates that 52% of Republicans believe that millions of illegal votes were "probably" cast in last year's election.
That same issue of the
Funny Times lists some quotes about Democracy. Here are a few:
Ambrose Bierce: "Democracy is four wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch."
(Check out his
Devil's Dictionary!)
H.L. Mencken (Baltimore's own): "Democracy is the theory that the common people know what they want, and deserve to get it good and hard."
Robert B. Reich: "A funny thing happened to the First Amendment on its way to the public forum. According to the Supreme Court, money is now speech and corporations are now people. But when real people without money assemble to express their dissatisfaction with the political consequences of this, they're treated as public nuisances and evicted."
Class in the White House?
The Week magazine for January 27, 2017 reported that "the Trump White House will have a designated 'glam room' to accommodate 'hair, makeup, and wardrobe' for Melania Trump and the first family. It 'will make our jobs as a creative team that much more efficient,' said Melania's makeup artist."
Will Donald be using this room, or does he have his own makeup room?
I'm reminded of when I ran a Computer Conference in Downtown Baltimore. We paid big bucks for the use of the Conference Center's rooms, so I tried to keep room usage to a minimum. However, the nominal political leader of the conference decided that she needed her own large (very expensive) room just for her own makeup. (Forgive me for saying this, but even though she spent a lot of time in that room, it did not help; she still remained a nasty and ugly bitch!) Sorry about that, but I've been keeping it in for thirty years.. and I am definitely not a woman-hater.
To be continued.