Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Just some odds and ends

This is a mad world and getting madder every moment.  Just watch and listen to our fearless leader.  We are becoming a third-world country thanks to the con-man in charge and his GOP henchmen who do not relate to the so-called middle class any more.  (IMHO)

Someone who shares a birth year with me!

Sophia Loren says:  "Everything you see I owe to spaghetti."

(No, that's not Sophia, but it kind of looks a little like her.)


The Week magazine for May 4, 2012 reported that Dirty Bastard Beer was banned in Alabama because of its name;  however, one could still buy Fat Bastard Wine and Dirty Bitch Beer.

(I wonder what kind of alcoholic beverage Roy Moore drinks.  As a good Baptist, he should be a non-drinker, a non-smoker, a non-sexual-predator, and a non-curser, just like those guys that taught me the Bible years ago in New Bedford's First Baptist Church. Yeah, right.)

Who, me..using steroids?  Nah!

The Week magazine for May 29, 2009 wrote that doping officials showed up at a Belgian bodybuilding championship unannounced.  Surprised, all 20 of the muscular guys "grabbed their gear and ran out the door!"

When I was into bodybuilding, I refused to take steroids even though it would have given me a much muscular body.  Big Arnie Schwartzenegger used them of course, and he was already blessed with a muscular body long before he started.  I don't believe anyone has ever had such a developed body.  When you use steroids, your gonads are supposed to shrink.. however, I don't think that Arnie ever had that problem.

Well.... I have run out of time for today, so I have to close.


Tuesday, November 14, 2017

And to the Republic for which it stands....

In the latest Funny Paper, "Tom Tomorrow" produced a cartoon strip that is fantastic.  You need to see it and appreciate it!  Even though it is copywrighted, I don't think anybody would mind if I copy a little bit of it, because its so good and it  bends my mind.

As part of the strip, a month of activity is outlined.... just imagine...  every day there is something new and amazing.  Our unbelievable President keeps us sadly entertained.. even though some things happen that he doesn't cause... but perhaps could prevent.. maybe.

In one month's time:

Trump threatened to destroy North Korea.

Trump began to call Kim Jon Un "Little Rocket Man."

The Republicans tried once again to repeal Obamacare.  No luck.

Hurricanes devastated large parts of the US and its possessions.

Wildfires ran rampant.

Gun massacres occurred.

"Trump golfed while Puerto Rico flooded."

Trump picked fights with football players and sports commentators.

Trump challenged Rex Tillerson to an IQ test after Tillerson called him a moron.

Trump mocked Senator Corker's height.

Senator Corker was worried that Trump might start WWIII.

Trump wanted to shut down all media outlets that criticized him.

Trump sabotaged Obamacare by defunding a key subsidy.

Etc.   Etc.

Please... Please... Mr. Mueller...   take us out of this nightmare!  Mr. Trump is ruining our country and is going to destroy all of us if he isn't removed from office.  (That is my humble opinion... and I think that is is the opinion of the majority of the people of the United States.)


Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Some Stuff That Interests Me at the Moment

A fat little mouse has invaded our garage. I would love to let him live there undisturbed, but I can't.  He could gnaw on electrical cords, chew up clothes, invade the pantry stuff, etc.  I really feel bad about this, but I went out and bought some traps, the old fashioned kind that kill quickly... not those sticky things that torture the poor creatures, or "cells" where the live mouse would be imprisoned until drowned somehow.

Meanwhile.... our life goes on, although based on what that nut in the White House does next, we may not live to see tomorrow.  Can't do anything about it, but I like to think that somewhere, some group is figuring out how to impeach him.  Mr. Mueller is getting closer to the fire all the time. TV people are predicting more indictments very soon.

So... let's take a look at some of the things that interest me.

Communion wafer?

The Week for May 29, 2009 reports that a Texas couple has found d Cheetos  cheese snack that "bears an incredible resemblance to Jesus." If they can't sell it for at least 25 cents on eBay, they will have to eat "Cheesus."

But wait!

The Week for February 17, 2017 mentioned that a single Cheeto thought to resemble "slain Cincinnati Zoo gorilla Harambe"  sold on eBay for $99,900!  This was the highest of 132 bids!

Godiva on a Bike?

The Week for May 4, 2012 reported on a Romanian traffic officer who pulled over a completely naked woman riding with her boy friend on a motorcycle.  The offense which required the issuance of a ticket?  Riding without a helmet.

How to Make Lemonade out of Nazi Lemons

Moises Velasquez-Manoff writes in the New York Times about the German town of Wunsiedel, the birthplace of  Rudolf Hess.  Every year neo-Nazis march to his grave site and cause problems for the town.  Even after the town had old Rudolf's body and headstone removed, those Nazis still think its fun to visit and make themselves unwelcome.

Town fathers had a great idea, called Rechts Gegen Rechts (the Right Against the Right). For every meter that the neo-Nazis march, residents pledge to donate 10 Euros to a program that helps people leave right-wing groups.

Why can't we do something like that right here in the USA?

She has a Boy-Toy.

The Week for February 17, 2017 wrote about the 106-year old Brazilian "cougar" who got engaged to a 66-year old (Jaco) at the nursing home where they reside.  Jaco says: "I know she's a little older than me, but that doesn't matter because she makes me really happy."

How to Feel Good about Waiting on the Telephone.

Kent Graham wrote this on the Readers Digest for April 2017:

"I didn't realize how good I am on the phone until I found out my call to customer service may be used for training purposes."

Downer!  How are we doing in our War on Drugs?

In 2014, there were 2.2 million American adults in prison, mostly because of drug violations.  This equates to 1 in every 110 adults, the highest incarceration rate in the world!

Unbelievable!... but true.


Monday, November 6, 2017

Prepop Sez Words of the Day for September 2017

September 1, 2017


(Trump's pardons are for federal crimes only.)

September 2, 2017


(Mueller has draft of Trump's Comey firing memo.)

September 3, 2017


(Stephen Miller, Trump aide, lies all the time.)

September 4, 2017



September 5, 2017


(Reign in that madman!)

September 6, 2017


(Trump and DACA)

September 7, 2017


(Hurricane is here.)

September 8,  2017


(Trump deals with Dems Schumer and Pelosi ... good or traitorous?)

September 9, 2017


(So many disasters and Trump.)

September 10, 2017


Hurricane Irma in Florida.

September 11, 2017


(Irma is not La Douce in the Florida Keys.)

September 12, 2017


(Supreme Court says part can take effect.. at least for now.)

September 13, 2017


(Running scared.)

September 14, 2017


(Trump supposedly reached a deal on DACA with Schumer and Pelosi.

September 15, 2017


(Donald Jr, and now Flynn Jr.)

September 16, 2017


(Which way is Trump trending today? Dem or Rep?)

September 17, 2017


(Trump charged the Secret Service $60,000 for golf carts to use.)

September 18, 2017


(Trump to speak at the UN.)

September 19, 2017

"How do you solve a problem like Maria?"

(Hurricane Maria)

September 20, 2017


(A trumpet... sound of Trump at the UN.)

September 21, 2017

"Awful, but lawful!"

(Trump and son's use of campaign funds for legal fees.)

September 22, 2017


(Getting closer to WWIII by "egging on" Rocketman.)

September 23, 2017


(Opposes the new GOP ill-thought-out health plan.)

September 24, 2017


(Trump in Tweet fight with everybody.)

September 25, 2017


(GOP asking for votes for an undeliberated healthcare bill just to say they killed Obamacare.)

September 26, 2017

"Beating a dead horse."

(Another attempt at Obamacare repeal.)

September 27, 2017


(Given to some White House folks.)

September 28, 2017


(Trump and friends?)

September 29, 2017


(Trump folks using private email.)

September 30, 2017


(Price resigns cabinet post over airline tickets rip-off.)
