Sunday, February 18, 2018

Political Observations and Other Such

With all the amazing activity in the past few days, one still wonders if this is the "end times."  So, one must keep up one's sense of humor.. not just to avoid the unpleasantness, but to retain one's sanity.

Evangelists Courting mr trump.

Pete Karman writes in In These Times:  (Evangelicals)" ..., in place of Jesus, they're kneeling at the gilded perch of the magpie of Mar-a-Loco and heeding his commandment to go forth and falsify.  Whereas Jesus reputedly gave his life for all of us, the new savior Trump smilingly offers to take the life of a random passerby on Fifth Avenue to prove that his flock will indulge murder as well as adultery..."

Hair-raising image.

The Week magazine mentions that some folks experienced a strong gust of wind that lifted mr trump's "comb over", exposing  a large bald spot!  Obviously fake news.

Justice Served

The Week also reports that a suspected lion poacher was killed and eaten by lions at a private game park in South Africa.  As a warning to future poachers, the lions ate all but the poacher's head.

(I know.. it's not a lion.)

More Justice Served

I read, somewhere.. can't remember where... a hunter shot up at a flock of geese.  He hit one that fell down and did a job on the hunter's face.

(I know..  it's not a goose.)


Let's all be happy!


Friday, February 9, 2018

White House Stuff

I know.. I know.. the Stock Market is crashing and I'm losing money.. but a lot of other stuff is going on and I want to cover a little of it.

This is what I posted to Facebook this morning:

Make-believe conversation:

"Hey, Rob, what did you see in d's papers today that is funny?"

"Hope, I'm sorry, but there's only the things that I talked about with you yesterday."


Is this a problem?  A high-level White House employee serves for a whole year with what may have been an "Interim Top Secret" clearance.  And... this WH employee has seen everything that has gotten on top of the president's desk during that time.  Who would have stopped this guy from holding back on some papers that he might have wanted to photocopy and pass to Vladimir?

When I was in the Air Force in Germany,  I had clearances from Classified  through Interim Top Secret all the way to Crypto Clearance, supposedly higher than Top Secret.   All through that time, I ran the cryptographic communications material and read all information as I transcribed it on crypto equipment.  So.. since I was allowed access with "Interim" clearances, perhaps this is the way it works.  However, I never had access to the information given to the President of the United States.
Much to think about..  have we been compromised by the White House staff?


I have a Kindle subscription to the daily Washington Post, as well as a print subscription for the Sunday paper.  On Wednesday, I received a copy of the daily paper... probably to entice me to go for a daily subscription.  Anyway,  the reporting on that day was marvelous, in my opinion, as it relates to our fearless leader.  Let me show you a couple of excerpts:

Carter Eskew wrote in a blog:  "President Trump makes you crazy.  In fact, that is his strategy.  He wants to make you so mad with his outrageous tweets, statements and actions that your anger makes you do stupid things."

After giving us some examples, Carter writes: "Democrats should remember that Trump is a con man, always running several cons at once.  In less that a week, he has launched three:  the Nunes memo; the lawyers-telling-him-not-to-testify story; and the accusation that Democrats who didn't clap for him during the State of the Union address are traitors."


And, related to the "clapping" complaint, Dana Milbank wrote a great  piece recommending a national service program based on applause.... AmeriClaps... "millions of AmeriClaps volunteers will applaud Trump daily.  In exchange, Trump will agree to cease governing..."

Here are the AmerClaps categories:

Putin Level:  "Applauders will agree to clap ... for 60 minutes a year.. accompanied by mild praise..."

Congressional Level:  "Applauders will agree to clap... for at least 5 hours annually, accompanied by modest praise..."

Cabinet Level:  "Applauders will clap ... for 24 hours a year, donating  heavy-to-extreme praise..."

Hatch Level:  "... applauders must commit to 2 hours a year of applause - one hour per week - and praise in the fawning-to sycophantic range..."

Pence Level:  "Only the most devoted AmeriClaps volunteer will be able to sustain this commitment: a pledge to applaud Trump an hour every day while also praising  Trump every 12.5 seconds..."
This article is a classic, IMHO, worthy of a Voltaire or Swift.  It gave me a great laugh.  Check out the whole article online.




Thursday, February 8, 2018

Some Cartoons I Made a Few Years Ago


 Boy and Girl

                                                                Young Love!
 Sailor and His Girl

Marriage Life

Move to California

Older Couple




It's a sad time for cartoonists.  Mort Walker , creator of Beetle Bailey just died.

Beetle's Sargeant

Beetle's Officer


Watching all of this is my favorite cartoon character of all time:

The Little King (by Otto Soglo)
