Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Time Travel

Why do people try to figure out how to time-travel when we have it already in our power to move forward or backward in time?  Yes we can.  By using our brains. For instance, I can think about the house I lived in over 70 years ago, and it as though I were there again.  Also, I can visualize a future time in my "mind's eye" ..

For now, let's travel back to 2008 and see what was going on then.. and maybe guess at what became of that period's burning issues, and what may happen to them in the future.

Year 2008:  P. Babcock. 35, of Kansas had been sitting on her boyfriend's toilet for two years.  As a result, her skin had grown around the seat.  The seat was detached and forwarded with Pam to the local hospital, where it was surgically removed from  her butt.

Year 2018:  P. probably is one of those 600 pound plus persons now and probably would crush any old fashioned toilet seat.  We'll never know for sure, but we can guess and visualize.

Year 2028:  I predict that P goes to Doctor M in Atlanta and loses 450 pounds after a stomach by-pass procedure.  After a "flabby skin shave," P becomes a svelte model.  Nobody knows she is 55 years old.  She and her boyfriend have started their own business, selling organic toilet seats.


Year 2008:  A 50-year-old woman in Saudi Arabia filed for divorce because he husband lifted up her veil and looked at her face while she  was sleeping.  She had kept her face hidden for 30 years and although her husband apologized, she will  not forgive him.

Year 2018:  I suspect there was a different reason for hiding her face than religious fervor.  She probably was ugly as hell.  Today, at 60, she is probably wishing she still had her ex husband in her lonely life.  Although, now that she can legally drive, maybe she would not need a husband anymore.

Year 2028:  The Saudi woman tricked everyone by becoming one of the wives of the new crown prince.. the former one is awaiting execution for the murder of some journalist or other.   At 70 years of age, she runs the harem.  Since she was 50 years old, no other man has even tried to sneak a peek at her face.


Year 2008:  German tour company OssiUrlaub has started the world's first nudist airline.  After boarding, passengers can drop their trousers and sit on hygienic seat covers, as they wing it to a "naturist" spa on a Baltic island.

Year 2018:  Some nudists have planned weddings on that Baltic island and some now have even had their weddings on the plane.  There have been some problems with that though, like when the wedding party couldn't agree on who was the "best man,"  and then they didn't like where he wanted to hold the ring.

Year 2028:  Since the whole Baltic area has now become mandatory nudist territory, many airlines serve that population.  Lots of folks fly in for a vacation where they can "hang out" for a fortnight.


Year 2008:  Yoda, the cat with four ears, has become an Internet sensation.  However, many people feel that Yoda is the devil incarnate.  She certainly looks evil enough. And who can prove that is not true.

Year 2018:  At 20 years of age, Yoda does not seem to be aging as her fellow felines.  Perhaps she is the devil, or at least an imp.  She has a big staff of humans who do her every bidding.   But then, that is not much different from what other cats manage.

Year 2028:  Now 40 years old, Yoda is still around.  She hasn't even begun to work on Life #2.  One suspects now that Yoda is really Donald Trump, former President.  We all know that DJT disappeared early in 2019 when Nancy Pelosi put a curse on him.  As evil as he was, he must have made a  pact with the devil to keep people working for him.  We wonder what he offered Satan for his transformation, because he obviously did not have a soul to barter with.


Sunday, December 16, 2018

Quick Views

I'm finding less and less time to do blog entries, but I need to keep my fingertips in the pot.. so to speak.  So, here are a few thoughts.

Toys R $ for this Kid:  Ryan, who is 7 years old, reviews toys on YouTube and this earned him $22 million in 2017!  Almost as much as trump received from  his father when he was 7 years old.

(When I was 7 years old, my 2nd grade teacher slugged me.  I must have done something really bad.)

(My short-lived life of crime probably started in 2nd grade.  It stopped when I was in 4th grade.  And there is an amazing story there, which I recount in other blog entries.)

(A poor little 7 year old died from dehydration after her trip from Guatemala, to our nasty border.  I would bet that there are lots more bad stories like this.  When will we ever learn?)

Retirement $ for this Retiree:  I read where  Americans expect to have saved $250,000 by retirement, although they feel as though they need $610,000.  Doesn't seem to add up.  Experts say that if you want a "nice" retirement, you need to have saved at least $1,000,000 at retirement time. (I was a millionaire once, believe it or not.)

 However, retirement living in a continuing care community ate most of that up in short order.  But... the community will take care of me til I die, even if all of the rest of my money evaporates.. so the expense is worth it, in my opinion.

Pending Legal Claim:  Two women who broke into a closed amusement park are suing for injuries sustained when they were hurt sliding down a non-operating mechanical ride.  They want damages because the park owners   "should have had safety features which worked when the ride was shut off. 

They will probably win their case if the judge rules like was done in another case where a guy broke into a home to burglarize it, hurt himself, and then sued for damages... and got them!


Sunday, December 9, 2018

Some More Stuff

Lots going on.  Schadenfreude nochmals over problems that trump is having.  Seems to me that he is already an "indicted" co-conspiritor with Cohen and Manafort. 

Here are a few life items in no specific order.

1.  Son Chris and his beautiful wife, Kathleen, are waiting (not patiently) for my new grandson to be born.  Chris says that Kathleen is eating special foods known to hasten birthing.  Her due date is next Thursday, December 13th.  My daughter, Diane, will be acting "doolah" to assist and encourage Kathleen in the birthing room.  Should be a very happy time.

2.  A Netflix presentation from the Korean Broadcasting System, has a section in which they discuss how to eliminate Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT).  They interview a lady with CMT who had the CMT gene removed from sperm and ovum (I think.)  The Chinese are messing with genes too.  Soon, we will all live forever... not me.. I' already too old.  My new grandson should live a very long life.  I just hope that trump disappears so that the world will not disappear too.

3.  At yesterday's Genealogy Gang meeting, we discussed DNA, and of course, I monopolized the conversation.  I'm waiting for Douglas Ivan Gifford's DNA test through Ancestry to be finalized.  There could be three results:  a.  He is my brother.  b.  He is my cousin.  c.  He is an adoptee and is not a Gifford after all.   Time will tell.

4. Also, as the meeting, I mentioned how one can easily set up a blog and fill it with family information and then cheaply (I think)  print it into a nice book.   I did this twice and have two very nice books.  I'll bring them into the meeting next month.

Enough for now... I don't have much time for blogging lately.