"When my sugar goes down the street, all the little birdies go "Tweet, Tweet, Tweet."
sugar: money easy to obtain
sugar-coat: make bad stuff sound good
sugar: money available to be spent on pleasure
heavy sugar: lots of money
sugar daddy: male moneybags sweethearts
sugar head: moonshine whiskey
sugar: that sweet stuff that helps us become diabetics
Sugar in our foods: (per serving, according to the New York Times)
Coca Cola 65 grams
Maple Syrup 53 grams
Frappoccino 46 grams
Applesauce 25 grams
Tang 20 grams
Mandarin Oranges 20 grams
Raisin Bran 18 grams
Campbells Soup 6 grams
Wonder Bread 5 grams
Wheat Thins 4 grams
Feta Cheese 0 grams
Triscuit 0 grams
The Week magazine for August 14, 2015, says that drinking just one sugar soda a day increases the risk for type 2 diabetes, even if you are not obese.
Fumiaki Imamura, University of Cambridge researcher says: "... if Americans broke their daily sugary drink habit, two million new cases of diabetes could be prevented over the next five years."
Bloomberg.com says that health officials advise that daily calories from added sugar should not exceed 10% of total calories.
New York Times reporter, Anahad O'Connor writes that the sugar industry paid scientists in the 1960's to "play down" the link between sugar and heart disease "... and promote saturated fat as the culprit, instead, newly released historical documents show"
The author also says: "The Associated Press reported that candy makers were funding studies that claimed that children who eat candy tend to weigh less than those who do not."
The author gives facts and names names. The article was included in the Sunday New York Times for New Years Day 2017. It is very depressing to me to learn that executives were getting scientists to "sugar-coat" their findings, so that these sleeze-ball executives could make some more "heavy sugar".. it's that same old story, who cares about the health of consumers, as long as the "sugar-daddies" get more "sugar!" Give me another slug of that good old fashioned "sugar head!"
And besides diabetes... it makes us fat!
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