To try to find a way to escape all of the madness emanating from our Adult Day Care of a White House (ain't that a "corker?").... I will do a random pick of my files and see if I can find anything of interest to divert our minds.
Slow down, man! You're killing us.
According to The Week for October 28, 2011, a former Target manager was fired for working through his lunch break. Unbelievable? Maybe not..
My late wife began work in the Social Security Administration mail room. She liked to keep busy and did much more than her boss required of her. The other employees got together and asked her to slow down because she was making them look bad.... and also killing their need for overtime money. She refused, so, what did her boss do... had her promoted and moved out where she could really work and ended up at double the pay grade of her former fellow employees who were still doing their "slow bit."
In my own case, when I became a full-fledged Analyst at Social Security, I was required to do 11 cases a day. I enjoyed the work, but 11 cases was too many to really allow one to do a perfect job on each. I did my 6 or 7 without error, but because I did not do 'superficially' the required 11, I was moved to the section that did foreign claims, where there was no minimum requirement. From there, I went to the Congressional Unit and later I got a chance to become a computer programmer.
So... what is the lesson here? If one is satisfied to do only that which is required, one will remain at the same level of accomplishment and reward. I tried to teach this to my kids and I think they learned it well because they all became "over achievers."
Public Speaking
Jerry Seinfeld said: "According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. This means to the average person, if you have to go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy."
Until 1986, I also feared public speaking more than anything else, including death probably. After my friend, Allan Kaufman finally got me to go to a Toastmasters meeting, I discovered that I could stand up and speak without shaking in my boots. Now... you can't shut me up... especially when it comes to eulogies... I get to do a lot of them now that most of my friends are on their "last legs"... like me.
Old Guys Rule!
The Week for October 28, 2011, also mentioned an amazing old guy. Fauja Singh competes in marathons at Toronto, Canada. Fauja began running at the age of 89 after his wife and child died. In 2011, he finished a local 26.2 mile race in 8 hours and 11 minutes. He was 100 years old!
Now, aren't you ashamed for not getting into an exercise program?
Planet Richness.
The BBC says: "Atmospheric data suggests that it may literally rain diamonds on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune."
If scientists can detect this.... why can't they duplicate the conditions here in a laboratory? Maybe they have... lots of billionaires living in New York City all of a sudden.
Why don't we send Trump to check it all out!
Sexy Rocketman
The Readers Digest for October 2017 cited an article in China's People's Daily that proclaimed Kim Jung Un to be the Sexiest Man Alive.
The Daily quoted an article stating: "While his devastatingly handsome, round face, [and] boyish charm, this Pyongyang-bred heartthrob is every woman's dream come true."
The article in question was a spoof created by
Did the Chinese folks ever figure that out, I wonder?
Some Religious Stuff from Readers Digest
Joan Anastasi said: "Our two-year-old, Tess, was sitting quietly in church one Sunday when she became mesmerized by a balding man seated in front. her curiosity got the better of her, and she shouted for all to hear, 'Why is that man's head coming out of his hair?'"
Sin No More!
Steve Jakin said: "While standing on line for confession, I overheard a woman whisper to her friend, 'I really don't know why I'm going to confession. I've been so busy, I haven't had a minute to sin.'"
.... the way.. here is something that my son gave me. I love it.
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