Monday, September 17, 2018


Lot's of stuff happening.  In fact, every day brings news of White House events and situations that one would never have dreamed of ten years ago.  Exciting, but scary.

Political Stuff

I think I heard this on Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me:  trump was supposed to clean up the swamp, but instead he has spewed fecal matter around like the air dryers in rest rooms.


Gene Weingarten wrote a poem for the August 5, 2018 Washington Post:

"Why should a person
At the chance jump
To work for the pope
But not Donald Trump?

The answer is simple
It's about osculation
And what is required
For your occupation:

To work for Pope Francis
(And here's the main thing)
All  you must kiss
Is his papal ring."


Rudy Giuliani says: "truth is not truth."

Somebody wrote this for the New York Time Sunday Magazine, I'm not sure who the author is, but I really like their words:

"It had seemed obvious to some that a modern presidential administration would not defend white nationalists or that the United States government would seek to avoid taking babies from their parents' arms  ..  or that a man who bragged about harassing women wouldn't be elected in the first place.

Last summer, NPR celebrated the Fourth of July by tweeting, line by line, the text of the Declaration of Independence;  its account was immediately attacked by angry Americans accusing the organization of spreading seditious anti-Trump propaganda.

The nation's founding values have come to seem, somehow, unfamiliar and contentious;  we can't recognize the Declaration of Independence when we see it.  Let the obvious sit too long and it becomes like an animal in a zoo: pointed at, but never exercised, and idly wandered past by people who have forgotten how powerful it is in action."
I downloaded Fear to my Kindle and am reading it a little each night.  Yesterday, in the middle of an opera that Alexa was playing for me.. she stopped and said: "We will now read the book Fear from your Kindle."  Why did she say that and how did she know that book was on my Kindle?


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