Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Even More Observations

I guess djt can't control himself.  After fighting with another war hero, he is into it with Chief Justice Roberts!

This week, djt also said that he is a Nationalist.  Well.. so was Hitler.  This is what Charles de Gaulle said on the subject:

"Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate of people other than your own comes first."

Names can hurt:  Jessica Manafort wants to legally change her name to Jessica Anne Bond.  She says that she is a "passionate liberal" and a filmmaker.  She says that the name will more closely reflect her profession.  (How?  I think she just wants to keep people from judging her by her father, Paul Manafort.


New Scrabble Words:   Two new legal words have now been added to the Scrabble vocabulary:

ew     and   ok


Shame!  Last July, Facebook censored five paragraphs of the Declaration of Independence for being inappropriate.


Appropriate word: named "complicit" as the 2017 Word of the Year.  It means: "Choosing to be involved in an illegal or questionable act, especially with others."


Friday, November 16, 2018

Some More Observations

Our furnace gave out today at 2 am -  on a 28 degree day with 6 inches of snow.   OY!

Deja bus

Recently, a Greyhound bus driver lost his way on a trip  from Ohio to New York.  Passengers got a little alarmed when they saw the same gas station over and over through their windows.  The driver, who was (as women say: a typical male) refused help from passengers with GPS apps and he finally completed the run, although he was 4 hours late.

I recently gave up and decided that I will now fully utilize the GPS system in our van, rather than get lost, as I did a couple of times so far in 2018.

How could I have ever gotten lost, because all of my life I have been blessed with internal maps.. it started when I was given a two-week stay at Camp Royal Ambassador, in Maine.  A friend's father drove us up and through Boston, and I was able to guide him through the Boston mess, and then guide him back home at the end of the stay. (I think I was 12 years old.)

Yes, I know, I need to tell  you how I got lost two times in 2018.

First:  My granddaughter, Adrienne, was getting married on an out-of-the-way farm in Pennsylvania.  I decided that we should do a dry run to get there, so we would not get lost on the wedding day.
Carefully plotting the way on a map and following good signage,  we made the trip in under one hour.

So, now that we had done the trip successfully once, we should have no trouble getting to the wedding on time.  Wrong!  In one of the small towns we went through there was a fork in the road.  This time, I took the wrong fork and we ended up lost and late for the wedding.

In a panic, I used my cell phone to call my son, Chris, to see if he could give me directions from where we were.  Chris said: "Don't you have GPS?"

Holy cow!  Yes I did, even though I had never used it or felt that I needed it.  But now.. being lost, I decided to get baptized in my GPS System.  Bingo! It gave us instructions that allowed us to get to the wedding only 45 minutes late... and they had held up the wedding for us.

Now, I said to myself: Dumb Ass! Start to use the GPS.  Lose that stupid pride!

Last:  I attended a function in Glen Burnie, Maryland and I asked myself: how hard could it be to get there without the GPS?  No problem.  I rolled right along and got there in plenty of time.  However, the return trip boggled my mind.. I thought sure that I would have no problem reversing my arrival channels.  Dump ass again!  For a trip that would have taken me 45 minutes, I spent 90 minutes acting like that Greyhound driver.    I hope that I have now learned to stifle my pride and use my GPS.

BORING!  Yes, I know.

In the Buff Stuff

Some Florida folks are asking the police to stop one of their neighbors from mowing his grass or washing his car in the nude.  Is there a Constitutional amendment for this?

Once, my late wife and I were asked to deliver an important package to an acquaintance who played for the Boston Symphony.  We tracked him down to a seaside cottage across town.  My wife and I knocked on the front door of the cottage and when it opened, we saw what probably was half of the Boston Symphony artists playing their instruments in the nude.

There was police blotter notice about a woman who complained that her neighbor walked around his property in the nude.  When the policeman went to investigate, he noted that there was a fifteen foot fence all along his property.  When he asked the woman how she could see the nude man when the high wall would block anyone's view.  She replied, "Well, if you stand on a ladder, you have a good view."


Monday, November 12, 2018


Looking at some entries in my old "Joe Reads the News" blog, I find lots of comments from Arabs.. most of it in Arabic, but a little in English.  They say they like the blog... I wonder why.

To take my mind off of some sad things this last week.. I will try to obtain catharsis by mentioning things in the recent news cycles that appear weird to me.

But, before that, let me quote a famous philosopher:

"People say, 'I'm going to sleep now,' as if it were nothing.  But it's really a bizarre activity.  'For the next several hours while the sun is gone, I'm going to become unconscious, temporarily losing command over everything I know and understand.  When the sun returns,, I will resume my life.'  If you didn't know what sleep was and you had only seen it in a science fiction movie,  you would think it was weird and tell all  your friends about the movie you'd seen."  George Carlin

                                                                      Think about it!

Are we in Kansas yet, Toto?

Using the forensic talents of the FBI, the famous ruby slippers from The Wizard Of Oz movie were recovered and returned to the Minnesota museum where they were stolen 13 years ago.

That reminds me of a great recent cartoon  that showed Trump as the Wizard, but with the curtain behind him opened enough to show Putin manipulating Trump's strings.

No poopie on the floor, Chickie.

It had to happen.  Recently, people have begun to keep chickens as pets.  So, an enterprising lady in New Hampshire has opened a business selling cloth diapers for chickens.

Famous Hoaxer Dies... maybe.

Alan Abel died in October.  He was a hoaxer extraordinaire!  Some of his hoaxes were:

He founded SINA (the Society for Indecency to Naked Animals, whose motto was: A nude horse is a rude horse.  The stated goal of the society was to clothe any animal "that stands higher than 4 inches or is longer than 6 inches."

He founded Omar's School for Beggars in New York City.  This was designed for the newly poor to  learn the "tricks of the trade."

He started the First Topless String Quartet (Bach with Breasts.)

In 1980, he faked his own death.  Fake grieving widow; fake undertaker; fake obituaries.  He "rose from the dead" a little while later.  However, he was now afraid that if he were to really die, nobody would believe it. (We'll see.)

Interfaith Hypocricy

Recently, famous sycophant, Mike Pence, made a big show of meeting with a "rabbi" to honor the victims of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting.  As usual, Mike showed his true feelings, because the "rabbi" was Loren Jacobs, a Messianic Jew, who tries to convert Jews to Christianity.


Saturday, November 10, 2018

"Worst of Times and the Best of Times"

Recently, I learned through DNA that I had a cousin named Pat Shinn.  Pat lived in Florida with her daughter Cheryl and other relatives.  We go acquainted by mail and Pat wished that I was the brother that she never had (her twin brother died close to birth.)  I was pleased to grant her wish and become her putative brother Joe.   We had a nice correspondence going on until last week when she passed away because of diabetes complications.  This was very sad and a "worse time" for me... but also a "best time" because I had gotten to know a sweet "sister" I didn't know I had... even though it was for a short time.

 Rescquiat in pacem, dear sister.