Friday, July 28, 2017

Grab bag: Beauty; Pizza ID; TRIAD notes: Alvin Toffler; Gene Wilder; Obituaries

I've found that blogging is a great way to relax and forget about depressing things... except for a few, which I feel bound to discuss.  Anyway, today I will reach into my grab bag again and pull out some prizes.

Beautiful People

The Week magazine for October 14, 2016 mentions that a new nightclub in Los Angeles will only admit good-looking people.  "Beauty judges" will be stationed at the entrance, ready to turn away ugly folks.

Suppose President Trump showed up with an entourage, would some of this group be barred?
Scruffy Steve Bannon?  Would Oscar Levant have gotten in?  Is ethnicity taken into consideration?

Could this activity be unconstitutional?

Silly Stuff

According to Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me,  a woman in Massachusetts tried to use a pizza as her ID in order to get into a local bar.

They also mentioned that Jake Butts in now "tight end" for some team or other.

Notes from a Quarterly TRIAD Meeting

TRIAD is an organization consisting of three parts:  AARP;  Police Organizations;  Senior Citizens
I run the Carroll County chapter, called SALT: Seniors and Law Enforcement Together.  Here are some notes that I took at a  recent quarterly meeting of the Maryland TRIAD:

Be careful, gas station card slots could have scanners installed.

Some ID thieves make $1 purchases with your stolen credit card to see if the purchase is accepted and whether or not you realize that your card has been stolen.  If accepted  without problems, much larger amounts may be charged.

Record your credit card numbers on media that can be kept in a hidden spot or a safe.

If your house is to be vacant for some time, contact the local police department so that a patrol car can check on it periodically.

No legitimate police agency will ever solicit money. (At least in Maryland.)

Most funeral notices no longer list the address of the bereaved; however, if the deceased had a very odd name, the address might be found by online query.  If the bereaved has not arranged to  have a "house sitter,"  the address seeker could try to break in.

The Information Age Futurist Passes

The Week magazine for July 22, 2016 had an obituary about Alvin Toffler, who died at the age of 88 in 2016.  During the 1970's I was heavily engaged in computer work, as a programmer, researcher and inventor (kind of.)  His best-selling book, Future Shock, was an important "read" for anyone interested in how that world would function in the Computer/Information Age. Even though he talked about the possibility of things like personal computers and an "internet,"  he said: "I don't believe anybody knows the future.  Anybody who claims to is a fraud."

For years, I would circulate articles by and about Mr. Toffler in my Niemand Associates reading folders, as part of the cybernetics part of the organization.  Hopefully, some folks read it.

A Hollywood Candy-Making Funnyman Passes

Another interesting person passed in 2016.  The Week magazine for September 9, 2016 ran an obituary for Gene Wilder, who died in 2016 at the age of 82.  Everybody loved him, including his funny wife, Gilda Radner, who died early at age 42.

Here is a list of his acting jobs:

Bonnie and Clyde 1967

The Producers 1968

Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 1971

Everything You always Wanted to Know About Sex * But Were Afraid to Ask  1972

Blazing Saddles 1974

Young Frankenstein  1974

Silver Streak  1985

Stir Crazy  1985

Will and Grace sitcom

He was a very funny man who will be missed.


Gotta go!  See ya!

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