Monday, April 9, 2018

Trivial Stuff #2

Finally!  I finished my income tax yesterday and mailed it off.  It was very complicated this year, but I was finally get it to a fair refund.  However, at the same time, I had to give most of it back in the form of an estimated payment for 2018.  Such is life. As my co-worker Lloyd Hess often said:

"Sometimes you get the bear; sometimes the bear gets you."    How true.

Anyway, now that I have accomplished the horrendous IRS task,  I hope to have more time to devote to my blog activity.


Here is some more trivial "stuff" that I've found recently while working on eliminating other "stuff" that I should have gotten rid of before moving to my current home. This is from notes that I prepared and may be in error here and there.

Medicine Breakthrough:  Paul Winchell and Doctor Heimlich invented and patented the artificial heart.  (Was Mr. Winchell the entertainer?  I assume Heimlich developed the "maneuver.")

Biblical Puzzle:  What is the origin of the phrase:  "offspring of the virgin's womb."  (The Bible mentions Jesus' brothers..  so, he must have been the "older brother.")

Dirty Tricks Politics:  From a Conservative:  "Gingrich had a Road to DesMoines Conversion!"  (By the way, it was Newt Gingrich who forced Republicans to call the Democratic Party "the Democrat Party" because it had a "harsher ring to it."

Space Watching:  A laundry washer/dryer has been installed on the Space Station.  (Before this time, dirty underwear had to be jettisoned.  As it burned on re-entry, lovers made wishes, thinking it was a shooting star.)

Royalty $:  In 2011, Queen Elizabeth suffered a "pay raise."

Air Line Sex:  The safety video for passengers on an airline shows scantily clad stewardesses. (One might ask: "Why?"..  when the Brits during World War II found that its cryptographers were falling asleep while reading important coding instructions, they began to intersperse pictures of naked ladies among the instruction pages.  This caught the coders' attention and kept them awake. 

Years later, when I was tasked with putting together a very dull work activity manual for the Government,  I made a special edition of the manual, with scantily-clad ladies interspersed.   Because I did not want to appear entirely sexist,  I also included a picture of a man in a bathing suit.  )

Hollywood Question:  Why did Rudolph Valentino wear extra-wide suspenders?

(yes.. I know... to keep his pants up)

Appropriate Personnel:  Captain Lust is now responsible for keeping the Sex Offenders Registry up to  date.

Religious Calling:  A priest had a cat named "Honey."  He had to change it when people began to wonder when they heard him calling the cat late at night.

Country Music Wisdom:  Vince Gill's father wrote a song with these lyrics:  "It's hard to kiss those lips at night after she's chewed your ass all day!"



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