Sunday, February 24, 2019

A Little More Politics, Religion and Sex

It's hard to tell whether my audience is enjoying my Politics, Religion and Sex blog entries, but I will try it again and see what happens.

Politics: djt

Our current president (the BLOB) said in 2016:  "The law's totally on my side... the President can't have a conflict of interest."

(In 2019, the House is in Democratic hands and we'll see if mr trump is correct after some investigation.)

Also, in 2016, The Week Magazine reported that trump supporters were urging via the Internet that coffee-drinkers say their name is 'trump' when ordering at Starbucks, so that the baristas would call out djt's last name whenever an order is ready.  (Free advertising.)


Religion:  666

The Week Magazine reported in 2013 that a Kentucky high schooler dropped out of her sports competition when she was given the bib number '666.'  The devout Christian considers the number to be a sign of the devil.  The race organizers refused to give her another number, so she quit, saying: "I didn't want to risk my relationship with God."

1.  I read somewhere recently that the number '666'  was a mis-translation.  It might have been '777' or '999.'  What about all the books and pamphlets and sermons alerting us to '666?'   Wow! So that's why we are all so messed up!

2.  When I was 11 years old, I worked part-time at a circus and learned that when you throw a ring to go around a peg labeled '66' and expected a prize, the one who ran the site would pull the peg, turn it over,  and show it as '99' which was not a winner.  Same thing with '18' and '81.  etc.

While we are at it... after everyone left the circus grounds except us workers, the door on the iron lung would open and the girl who was inside would climb out, yell for a drink and saunter off to her trailer to rest until the next day.  (Some of you may not know that an iron lung was used by people with polio.  Polio was eradicated in the U.S. a long time ago, but when I was 11, it was still a scourge and many people spent their lives enclosed in an "iron lung."  To see someone inside, caused  most viewers to dig deep into their wallets.)


Sex:  Nudism

This week's Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me! radio show mentioned a new fun thing to do in Australia:

Nude Golf.

They mentioned that this would give new meaning to the phrase:  "How's it swingin'?"

Or, in case of "The Blob"... i.e., djt:  "How's it hangin'?"


OK OK here are a few nudist notes:

A problem at a nudist wedding is where does the best man keep the ring?  One might suggest using tape.  And just who is considered the "best" man anyway?

Another problem at a nudist wedding is where to put the white carnation.


OK OK here is another sex item to consider:

A ninety year old man married a 20 year old girl.  He died on the wedding night, and it took the undertaker three days to wipe the smile off of his face.



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