I think I should take a break from my Politics, Religion and Sex entries. Instead, today, I will talk about some other stuff, while not as interesting, could still command a little attention.
Animals Rights
According to Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me, the PETA organization has decided that animals are getting a bad break on some of our phrases, and has suggested some changes, such as:
Old: Bring home the bacon.
New: Bring home the bagels.
Old: Kill two birds with one stone.
New: Feed two birds with one scone.
Old: There's more than one way to skin a cat.
New: There's more than one way to feed a cat.
What do you think? I think that PETA also wants pet owners to clothe their animals. I could be wrong on this... I hope so.
Large Population Solution
The Saturday Evening Post says that Texas could contain the Earth's entire population if it were as densely populated as New York City.
And Ted Cruz would run the show.
Animal Talk (from my 1988 stand-up routine)
Wife bear to husband bear: "Did you eat something that disagreed with you? You tossed and turned all Winter long."
Perseverance for sure!
The Week Magazine in 2016 reported that an 80 year-old homeless woman won a 16-year-long battle to claim Social Security benefits. She received a lump sum check for $99,999.
This reminds me of the time that our Social Security programmers accidentally paid beneficiaries an amount that was really their zip-code. This was not so great for someone on the East Coast in zip-code 00125, but was great for someone on the West Coast in zip-code 99555. Luckily, the error was caught quickly and not too many people were involved.
Enough for now.
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