Tuesday, June 6, 2023

 Stuff in my In Basket:

Test Takers

Chinese civil servants had to take a test for their jobs as far back as 1115 BC.

Love Lasts

Archaeologists in Leicestershire uncovered a pair of skeletons in a church graveyard that were still holding hands after years in the ground.

Alex Said

The last words of Alex, a famous talking parrot were:

"You be good.  See you tomorrow. I love you!"

Shine On...

Scientists in Uruguay have discovered how to make sheep glow in the dark.


Evils of Gambling

A New Hampshire man spent his entire life's savings ($2,600) on a carnival toss game, only to win a stuffed banana.  

More Big-Time Gambling

Police in Tampa, Florida raided a friendly mah-jongg game played by Helen Greenspan and Zelda King, because they were gambling.  The players were between 87 and 95,

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