Thursday, June 8, 2023

 Another kind of boring day, except for the gigantic chocolate banana milkshake that Dianie brought me  ...delicious!!! I'd worried about getting fat ..  what didn.t know that I am getting skinny.  This is the lowest I've weighed ever!  I'm not going to tell you the amount. Just remember that I once weighed 225!

I told Hospice that if they keep draining my bodily fluids I'll float away in the next strong breeze.

But one good thing about the weight hoss ... I'm walking like a normal human being, and I am able to see a portion of my body that has been invisible for some time.

Speaking of bodily parts, I'm not sure of the name of the show I stumbled upon last night, but it's a compilation of all of the shows I listened to about Arnold Schwarzenegger over the years. As a budding weightlifter, I was extremely interested in his life, especially the amount of weight he was lifting at any given time. 

After Big Arnie did his thing, I fell asleep.

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