Thursday, February 23, 2017

Crossword Clues; Taco; Docents; Simpson; Brain; Language; The President; Wait, Wait

It's getting hotter.

Miscellaneous Stuff

As a typical Mensa member, my thoughts and actions bounce around constantly and everything seems to interest me.  Therefore, most of my blogs do not stay on one subject for very long, for instance:

Crossword Puzzle Learning

I found an interesting crossword puzzle in a free newspaper.  It caused me to think a bit and I got acquainted with some things that I did not yet know.


I thought this was a Mexican delicacy... but it also is the name of a famous German song and dance man.  Why I didn't know that, since I read a German newspaper, is amazing to me.  One of Taco's famous bits is his version of "Puttin' on the Ritz."  Fred Astaire he's not, but he is good, in my opinion.  His 'Ritz performance can be seen online, and one can see the part of it that had to be censored.. He had some fellow dancers apply "blackface," which was offensive to many people.


Apparently, when one volunteers to act as a docent, one is given the following rule to follow:

"The decent docent doesn't doze."  Makes sense to me.

Homer Simpson?

I have made it a self-imposed rule never to watch certain TV shows, that I have read "slamming" reviews about.  The Simpsons is one of them. I know, I'm probably missing a lot of good entertainment.  At least, that is what my son says.

Anyway, the crossword clue was:  "Physical attribute of Homer Simpson."

Answer: Beerbelly

Well, if he likes beer that much, he must be ok, and maybe I should watch his show.

Tricky Clue

Largest facets of many diamonds.

Answer:  Outfields.   (boo!)

Stupid me.. it took me a long time to figure this one out.


According to Sherry Stick, Harvard Health Publications came up with some "tips" to keep your tired old brain active:

1.  Keep learning throughout your life (languages; piano; etc)

2.  Use all of your senses
3.  Believe in yourself
4.  Economize your brain use (keep a place for everything, to minimize searching)
5.  Repeat what you want to learn (and write it down)
6.  Use mnemonic devices to help you remember (like Every Good Boy Deserves Fudge)
7.  (I forgot this tip!)

Language Learning

As I mentioned, I have been relearning German through 30 minutes study each day.  However, my learning is through my reading aloud.  It would be better to relearn by using a tutor, who could interact with you through conversation.

The Week magazine says: "... adults learn the rules of grammar and pronunciation and use them to put sentences together -  little kids learn language by talking."

El Presidente

I'm sorry, but I feel a need to continue remarking about our president.  He is so newsworthy.  In fact, no matter what news program I plug into, any time, whether on radio or TV.  Everyone is talking about President Trump.

Mr. President, please remember that "ready, shoot, aim"  doesn't always work.

Tom Nichols, a Naval War College professor and supposedly not a Trump fan, says: "(the immigration order) is not actually a Muslim ban" and the "takeover" of the Voice of America was also dictated by law.  (Scary)

Rachel Madow suggests that one should treat the current administration as a silent movie.  Don't listen to the talk; watch the action.

Did Sean Spicer say that the President doesn't own a bathrobe?

Did someone say that members of the new administration could not find out how to turn on the lights in the East Wing?

Elaine's young granddaughter is studying equations in school, and she made up this one:

T= RUMP > Burnie

Elaine suggests that the Oval  Office should now be called the "Rumper Room."  

(I assume everyone knows about the Baltimore based TV show for kids with the title:  "Romper Room.")

Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me

I was wrong about WAMU airing of this show.  It is still airing on Saturday and Sunday.  But my stupidity allowed my technically proficient son to show me how to get it as a PodCast.  The ability to get PodCasts has opened the door to many hours of enjoyment.  I love that son of mine.

Show excerpts that caught my attention:

A New York winery is selling wine made especially for cats.  Someone named it "cat bernet."

Monopoly will no longer use a thimble as one of its pieces.  (Was it because it would remind people that women used a thimble to sew, when they were subservient servants to their domineering husbands?)

Remember to try Goat Yoga, that fun exercise and enlightening procedure developed by Lainey Morse in Albany, Oregon.   (Someone argued that Albany is in New York... not Oregon... and not Georgia!)


Enough for now, mes amis.

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