Monday, February 13, 2017

Cycle of Life; Generating Energy; ACLU; President Trump; Drugs and Guns; Quotations; Five Years Ago

Ahoy!  You landlubbers need to feather your jibs ...  windy!  Some breezes over 60 mph.  But the temperature is still at record highs.  At night, we listen to the wind whistling through the clapboards.. or was that in New England?.. here it just shakes the house.

The Great Cycle of Life

Today I went to another friend's funeral.  He was only 73 years old... these days.. that is not very old.  His father was one of the first specification checkers for the Apollo Space Missions.  His mother was a close friend to my late wife for years.  We watched the kids in this family grow up.  And now one is gone.... Time flies very fast.

A few days ago, I went to the funeral of another friend.  She was 90 years old, but her mind was still very sharp.  Maybe I mentioned this before... as an old Dude, I reserve the honor of repeating myself.  She had a the typical American family:  college educated children, now in their 60's and 70's and mostly retired;  grandchildren in the Arts, medicine  and manufacturing; great grandchildren in school.

Heterosexual; married; unmarried; gay; caucasian; African American; Protestant; Catholic; Jewish; Athiest; able and disabled.    As I said, a wonderful typical American family, just like mine.  As I said before, I love America for its diversity!

How about some Information from the Funny Times for March 2017?

Energy Generators

Raymond Lesser gives some tips on how to generate power:

1.  Get 10,000 little fans going at once. Use a big rubber band.
2.  Set up miniature wind turbines on our roofs.
3.  Put windmills on top of utility poles, schools and billboards.
4.  Build a flush-controlled turbine in everybody's toilet.
5.  Attach battery storage devices to hyperactive puppies.
6.  Attach generators to Grandmas' rocking chairs.
7.  Harness the hot air out of the mouth of politicians.
From Harper's Index


In the week after the 2012 election, the ACLU received over $27,000 in donations.

In the week after the 2016 election, the ACLU received over $7,000,000 in donations.

El Presidente

Mr. Trump has managed to directly insult 160 people on Twitter since he declared his candidacy for the Presidency.

The President over estimates the height of the Trump World Tower by 19 floors.

Weird News

Chuck Shepherd reports:


Martin Shkreli and Turing Pharmaceuticals raised the price of the lifesaving drug Daraprim from $18 a pill to $750.  Australian high-schoolers duplicated the drug for $2 per pill.

Gunfight in the WalMart Corral

Two Dallas, Texas grandmothers got into an argument about child custody, pulled guns and fired at each other and a nearby policeman.


Harry S. Truman:  "My choice early in life was either to be a piano player in a whorehouse or a politician.  And to tell the truth, there's hardly any difference.

H.L. Mencken: "Demagogue: One who preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots."

From The Week Magazine: IN 2011


"A man charged with assault and battery appeared in a South Carolina court with a tattoo on his forehead that said: 'Please forgive me if I say or do anything stupid. Thank You!'"

How Things Change in Five Years!

"Donald Trump, whose 15 minutes as a viable Republican Party presidential candidate appear to be over.  The real estate magnate's poll numbers plummeted from 26% TO 8%, Pushing him from first to fifth place in the GOP field."


Enough for now!

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