Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Still unseasonal... 50 degrees.


Time flies like the wind
Fruit flies like bananas.

The New York times book review for February 12, 2017 discusses the book (Why Time Flies  (A Mostly Scientific Investigation)  by Alan Burdick.  Alan says that our brain, body and cells all keep track of time in ways that we do not understand. "Time is not only something we live immersed in, like fish in water, but also an element of our lives with which we constantly struggle, which drives us crazy..."

I'm anxious to find out why I always seem to know what time it is without looking at a clock.  I hope to learn this from Alan's book.  Also, why does time seem to travel faster as we age.. like the sand in an hour glass speeding up when the sand is almost all transferred from top to bottom.

It's funny how we talk about "time"....

American Slang:

"I'm having a good time."

"I wouldn't give him the time of day."

"I need some time off."

The Romans:

Horace:  "When evil times prevail, take care to preserve the serenity of your heart."

Horace: "Immortalia ne speres, monet annus et almum Quae rapit hora diem. "

"That you hope for nothing to last for ever, is the lesson of the revolving year and of the flight of time which snatches from us the sunny days."


The Rape of Lucrece:

"Time's glory is to calm contending kings,
To unmask falsehood, and bring truth to light."

The Tempest

"What seest thou else
In the backward and abysm of time?"


On Time

"Fly, envious  Time, till  thou run out  thy race:
Call on  the lazy leaden-stepping hours."

Lewis Carroll


I can't find it anywhere, but I think I recall the Queen telling Alice that it is "a queer kind of time that only goes one way."  But... think about that... why does time only go one way? What did Einstein say about that?  What did Isaac Asimov say about that?  Why is time travel impossible..... or is it?

The Mad Hatter: "If you knew Time as well as I do, you wouldn't talk about wasting it."

Oh Oh... I've run out of time.  Bye!

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