Spring continues its assault on the senses. Lush greenness everywhere below; baby blue everywhere above.
Let me talk about some marvelous stuff!
UFO Sickness
MUFON reports in their May 2017 issue that on the same day in December 2016, a gigantic UFO was witnessed by two observers who were 64 miles apart in the state of Maine. As this large object sailed effortlessly and noiselessly over their heads, three people and a dog became nauseous. In one case, the nausea lasted for a couple of days. The other two had only some hours of discomfort. The dog now refuses to go outside.
One witness reported that "there were an unusual number of ambulance calls in the area for anxiety or heart attacks the following day."
Prepop sez: The MUFON organization reported out both of these sightings as UNKNOWN. I have a few questions:
Since these observations were at 4 am, perhaps other folks, like bakers, could have been awake and seen the UFO. So.. were there other sightings reported to the police in the area?
Did anyone actually tally statistics on the 911 calls and illness reportings for all of the localities between the sightings area, which were 64 miles apart?
I still remember a movie (Star Wars?) in which an alien vessel appeared to take up the whole movie screen as it passed overhead for some time. That was very impressive to a youngster like me. Sounds like these sightings.
I've always been interested in the UFO stories and in sci-fi in general. During the 1950's I had a very large collection of sci-fi books. I had them stored at my wife's parents' summer cottage. However, a few years later revealed that these books had apparently beamed themselves up and out of sight. Two aliens named Lennie and Janine helped with the transfer... or so it was determined.
The New Yorker for April 24, 2017 reported on the effort of a Ph.D candidate to get young Brooklyn kids to become deep thinkers. When he asked a six-year old: "What makes me me?" The kid replied: "Look it up!"
Prepop sez: That reminds me of the time I visited my daughter Diane's school and observed a class in session. The teacher asked a question and said "Does anyone know the answer?"
My daughter's hand shot up and she waved it around, so the teacher felt good and said "Yes, Diane."
Diane put her hand down and said: "Ronnie and Jane are playing with pencils!"
Chinese Logic
Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me! mentioned this week that the Chinese have started to put speed bumps in their sidewalks.
Manly Tips
Reminisce Magazine, during 2009, reminded old-timers about Merle Housh (also known as Henry Hornsbuckle).. Merle had a well received radio show where he gave household tips based on letters sent to him for the show. Some of these tips were published in 1943 and 1944. Check these out:
"When you have a large ironing to do, just slip off your shoes and stand on a cushion. See how much more you can do without getting so tired."
Prepop sez: Does anyone do ironing today?
Frying Fish!
"Sprinkle coffee on raw fish to keep the odor from affecting the ice box. The coffee is easily washed off and will not discolor the fish."
Prepop sex: Does anyone fry fish today? And who has an ice box?
Feed Sacks!
"When you rip open your feed sacks and flour sacks, save all of the cord and wrap it onto a ball. This is far better for patching overalls than the thread you buy and will wear much longer.""
Prepop sez: Does anyone buy flour in sacks today? And overalls..... yes, I admit, I wear them sometimes... they are comfortable. And remember: Nordstroms is selling muddy jeans for $400.!
An important social tip that is still good today!
"When you eat onions and have an unexpected date, eat a pinch of celery seed. It will kill all odors of onion on the breath."
Prepop sez: Are you listening, Elaine? Where is the celery seed?
Ringworm solution!
"Juice from walnut hulls is good when applied to ringworm,."
Prepop sez: What the hell is ringworm!
Makeshift Hair Drier!
"For a; home made hair drier... Get a stove pipe elbow and place it over the burner of an oil stove. Set in front of this and the hair will be dry in a hurry. You won't have to be afraid to wash your hair in cold weather."
Prepop sez: Back in my Massachusetts days, when the Winter weather was frigid, I refused to wear an "uncool" hat or cap, and therefore, my hair that I wet profusely when combing, would freeze to ice on top of my head. Maybe that is why I still have my hair at my "advanced age."
Finger crime?
"If you have a felon on your finger, wrap a cloth around the finger leaving the end open. Pour gunpowder in the end and shake it down. Then keep it moistened with camphor. In two or there hours the pain will be relieved and a perfect cure will result."
Prepop sez; A "felon?" Well, make sure you don't light a cigarette while the gunpowder is arresting your felon.
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