Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Words of the Day

Nice sunny day. Kind of cool.

Prepop sez: Word of the Day:

On March 31st, I started to post a word of the day to Facebook.  I was hoping that such words might get people thinking about what was taking place in the world, country, county, city or their own backyard.  I've gotten some interesting responses to some of the words.

Here are my words and why I posted them:

March 31  IMMUNITY  General Flynn asked for immunity from prosecution when he testifies about his ties to foreign countries while controlling a large part of Trump's Presidential campaign.

April 1  COLLUSION  Did members of Trump's team work with Russia to destroy Clinton's chances?

April 2  EMOLIENT  Facebook word processing kept changing this word to emollient.  And... I'll be damned if I can remember why I posted it.  I may have mixed it up with emolument.

April 3  FILIBUSTER  The Democrats were getting their filibuster act ready.

April 4  CONFLICTS-OF-INTEREST  The whole Trump family, including the President, seem to not care about this problem.  Watch the world's leaders stay at Trump hotels.

April 5  VINDICATION  President Trump thinks that material he leaked about himself will vindicate him when it comes to his claim about phone-tapping by Mr. Obama.

April 6  INCARCERATION  Many people think that members of Trump's team should be incarcerated because of their actions.

April 7  RETALIATION  Promised in some of Trump's TWEETS.

April 8  DEOPERATIONALIZE  Word used by the Trump team when one of them is removed from the team. (Bannon?)

April 9  DISHEARTENING  Watching our poor attempts at negotiations with other countries.

April 10  APPROPRIATION  Related to soon to be Justice, Gorsuch.

April 11  HOPEFULNESS  This is related to my Daughter Elizabeth and her medical problems.

April 12  MEGALOMANIACAL  Guess who this word is about.

April 13  SINOLOGY  Trump is meeting with the Chinese leader.

April 14  FLIP-FLOP  Wait a minute, the President is about to change his mind again.

April 15  MISDIRECTION  Mr. Trump is great at this.  He'd make a wonderful magician.

April 16  GATEKEEPERS  Who is keeping us safe?

April 17  PROVOCATION  Now we're back to North Korea.

April 18  BEHAVIOR  Still on North Korea.

April 19   PRESUPPOSITIONALISM  What were you taught in Sunday School?

April 20  SCHADENFREUDE  Poor Bill O'Reilly.

April 21  ROLLBACK  President Obama's intelligent executive orders are being rescinded.

April 22  SANCTUARY  No more funds for Sanctuary Cities?

April 23  POSTURING  Kim?  Trump?  Putin?

April 24  PLURALITY  Congressional rules?

April 25  RESTRAINT  Don't let rash actions destroy the world.

April 26  EMOLUMENTS  Some say that this is what may impeach Mr. Trump.

April 27  SKEPTICISM  Hard to believe anything any more.

April 28  SHUTDOWN  A government shutdown is near, if Congress doesn't compromise on $.

April 29  REPRIEVE  No shutdown.  Trump's big $ wants were dropped or tempered.

April 30  PLUTOCRACY  It's true. Billionaires control this country.. or they will as Trump gets his way more and more.


Is there any hope for the good old U.S. of A?  Or the world!


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