Wednesday, February 23, 2022


Before I start, check out this definition:

PREPOP is defined as "The small amount of soda that squirts out when opening the can."

How true!


"Dreamland" is a mysterious place you go to every night.  I'm told that all humans and dogs and cats dream. (How about elephants?)

To get to "dreamland" one must relinquish all bodily control and enter the realm of "the unconscious." Doesn't this scare you?

It does me, although I love my dreams, when I remember them.

I do have recurring dreams from time to time, such as:

Finding lots of ancient coins underneath a neighbor's porch, by using a metal detector and an heirloom dish.

Sneaking through the many hidden tunnels within the New Bedford YMCA with my buddy Casey.

Traveling over and over to Boston to try to get a copy of my class grades and find out if I received a Bachelor of Arts degree. Nobody will tell me where  Boston University is located.

(A 'shrink" would probably say that these dreams have special meanings for my psyche.)


Do you dream in color or black and white?

Dream songs.

"All I Have to do is Dream" by the Everly Brothers is my favorite "dream" song..

Actually, I like anything with "Dream(s)" in its title, except for a few that use words not to be heard in polite society.  

I just listened to Lily James beautifully singing "A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes" as Cinderella in a 2015 Cinderella film. I don't believe it was dubbed. (Besides Marni Nixon was probably ill at the time. She died in 2016.)

The song had a lot of writers: Al Hoffman, David Pack, Jerry Livingston and Mack David. I think it belongs to the Walt Disney Music Company. 

Just to tease you into listening to the song, here aqre a few lines of this song which is now my second favorite song.


"A dream is a wish your heart makes

When you're fast asleep

In dreams you will lose your heartaches

Whatever you wish for you keep."

I love it! Nite, nite!


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