Thursday, April 7, 2022


Before I tell you about a remarkable dream:


Well, today it took me the whole six tries to solve the puzzle.  Another tricky rarely used word. (IMHO) This almost was the first time I missed, and I was very nervous.

Tallywacker, Uterus, and Adam's Rib

Washington Post columnist Monica Hesse writes about responses from three critical Supreme Court nominee questioners when reporters asked them to define their own definitions of "woman."  

Check it out!

By the way, Judge Jackson has now been confirmed as the first black female Supreme Court Justice!


Shakespeare (Hamlet Act III):

"To sleep! perchance to dream; ay, there's the rub;

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come,

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

Must give us pause."

Someone has written that we should think of our dream-time as a "vacation."

As a youngster I was always scared to go to sleep because of the prayer that I was encouraged to say every night:

"Now I lay me down to sleep

I pray to God my soul to keep.

If I should die before I wake,

I pray to God my soul to take!"

Why do parents teach their kids to say such a scary thing before they get covered with a blanket and have the lights turned off?

During my working life, I tried to live on just four or five hours of sleep at night.  This probably messed with my brain and it certainly did not give me enough REM time to have memorable dreams.

Now, I get over eight hours of sleep at night and have lots of dreams that I remember, such as the one I had last night: 

A group of overweight ladies were having a meeting around the kitchen table in the West Elm Street house in New Bedford, Massachusetts where I spent my adolescence.

I came bounding down the narrow staircase and interrupted the meeting.

The ladies did not like the way I was dressed and insisted that I buy different clothes.  So off I went to a five-and-ten-cent store in Baltimore, Maryland with Elaine driving.

I grabbed some tee-shirts and Elaine and I escaped out of the back door without paying.

Outside, we were suddenly in the middle of Baltimore's tall downtown buildings. I decided to try for an appointment with a prominent Baltimore "shrink," but I canceled it because he seemed so dumb when I met him.

We thought that we would travel back to Massachusetts, but we got lost along the way.

We thought we might be in Virginia and we stopped at a tiny village to find out.  The natives were not friendly.  While we were trying to decide what to do, the car stopped running and we had to push it into the village's gas station.

While there we struck up an interesting conversation with the mechanic who had been a "quiz kid" from the Bronx, New York.  

Our car now fixed, we started out, only to be stopped by my co-worker, Ed who just happened to spot us and who insisted on wiping my foggy glasses with a pair of his undershorts, "Yuk!" I exclaimed as I woke from my very vivid dream "vacation."

A "shrink" might learn a lot about me from this dream, but I don't care.  As boring as it probably seems to almost everybody, it was fun for me to experience it.


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