Sunday, April 10, 2022


(First, before I forget:

"Enjoy Palm Sunday"

"Hab a sheynem fskh"

"Happy Easter"

That reminds me of a Jack Benny show where he and his girlfriend said "Happy Easter" hundreds of times and to anyone they met on the show. It is great fun and the show is still available - I recommend it.)

Now - back to Spring:

"Spring has sprung,

The Grass has riz,

I wonder where the flowers is!"

Yesterday I picked our first daffodil.  It isn't yellow, it's bloom is white with pink in the middle.  A very beautiful flower that Elaine planted several years ago.

Last night we talked about the miracle of hundred of daffodils appearing every year, even though only a dozen bulbs were planted.  We also planted over one hundred very expensive tulip bulbs but none ever grew.  I suspect that Sylvester Squirrel dug them all up and stashed them away for winter-time repasts.

It is amazing to us that the tiny seeds that my beautiful daughter, Diane nurtures each Spring and  turn into enormous flowering plants in just a few short weeks.


"Alla primavera" is Italian for "in the style of springtime."

I'm sure you have seen the beautifully painted "Primavera" by Sandro Botticelli in the fifteenth century.  It has been called one of the most controversial  paintings in the Western World.

Biblical Reference

(From The Song of Solomon)

"For, lo! The Winter is past,
the rain is over and gone;
the flowers appear on the earth;
the time of the singing of birds has come,
and the voice of the turtle is heard in the land."


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