Tuesday, March 14, 2017

A Gamut of Emotions: Joy; Sadness; Depression; Hopefulness

A snowy day on the East Coast.  Not as much as predicted, but a bit.  Stores here were overcrowded yesterday with people stocking up on milk, bread and toilet paper. Oy!


You remember Bernie... our neighbor who felt the need to burn pine pallets on his patio every night, wafting acrid smoke through the air directly to our outside deck.  Bernie is gone!  Where or how, we don't know, but now a new family has moved into his house, and they have some young children.

Today, these children and their parents were out frolicking in the snow; making snowmen; throwing snowballs; sliding; having a great time.  What a  joy for them... and what a joy for us to hear the happy sounds of children playing nearby... and what a joy not to have to plan our outside activity just to those times when the air is not smokey!


Sunday, we heard a Republican Representative from West Virginia say that most of his constituents love the Affordable Care Act, but hate Obamacare!  This is one of the great problems with propaganda.  Apparently, for the eight years that one party has been complaining about Obamacare and how bad it is, some folks thought that they were talking about some evil Government program that had no relationship to the insurance plan that now allows them to get insurance even when they have pre-existing conditions like Black Lung Disease.

When I heard this, I was so sad I wanted to sit down and have a good cry.


The Nation magazine published a book review by Richard J. Evans, a British college President, and author of several books about Nazi Germany.  The book he was reviewing was: Hitler; Ascent 1889-1939.. by Volker Ullrich.. in English translation.


1923  The failed "Beer-hall Putsch."
1928  Hitler's Nazis held less than 3% of the vote in national elections.
1933  Hitler was appointed head of the German government and the Nazis were the largest political party.
1939  Hitler started his invasions and World War II.

Question..  How did a man who was considered an "upstart" and a "clown" attain the pinnacle of power in Germany?  This book gives you some idea.

I quote: "Above all else, Hitler was a media figure who gained popularity and controlled his country through speeches and publicity."

Hitler "played the system" very wisely.  His ascent to power was not done through a military coup.

I quote: "Hitler issued an endless stream of slogans to win potential supporters over.  He would make Germany great again.  He would give Germans work once more.  He would put Germany first.  He would revive the nation's rusting industries..."

The author suggests that Hitler's hate inspiring speeches were not spontaneous, but were carefully crafted to get the attention of the media and to get his listeners to chant hate slogans.

Of course, he loved media attention, but made sure that he vilified and/or  destroyed all of the news outlets that spoke against him.

The Nazi regime allowed only heterosexual white men to run the country.  Nazi propaganda at first mocked disabled people; later they sterilized or exterminated them.  Feminists were mocked and their associations were closed up.  Illegal Polish immigrants were rounded up and deported.

Hitler canceled treaties with other nations; he took Germany out of International organizations.

Hitler warned the German people that he was going to do what he quickly did; (first 100 days)  Where was the opposition?  I quote:  "Civil courage was in short supply."

For a long time, there was an undercurrent of anti-Semitism in Europe.  (Now, it seems to be Islamaphobia.)  Hitler fed on this and made the destruction of Jewish people the main goal of his regime.  Besides, the sale of stolen  Jewish property supported the Nazi party.

All of this sound familiar?


I am hopeful that the safeguards built into the U. S. government will stop any try by a demagogue from trying to become a Hitler-type.  (Or am I being naive?)


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