Saturday, March 11, 2017


Sunny and 40 degrees.  The snow did not stick.  Today, Mr. Weatherman sez that we can expect a snowy "Nor'easter" next Tuesday.


Ten years ago, so many people were recognizing me at so many different places that I decided to form the "Joe Vaughan Fan Club."  As you may already know, this is not a fan club related to me, but instead, related to people that I am a fan of.   Over these past ten years, I have normally given each nice person who recognizes me a "Joe Vaughan Fan Club Pen."  For a few years, I gave out many of these pens... however, lately, that gift-giving has slowed to a crawl.  Why? You may ask.

Well, I've determined that people can no longer recognize me.  Why?  Because..... I've changed.  How?  Let me list the changes... and by doing so, it will be cathartic for me, and maybe even prod me to fix myself up.  (Also, for my family... this will show them what they are in for as they get older.)


Macular Degeneration (MD) in my Right Eye  (Not fixable... but not really disabling... just irritating.)
Red Right Eye  (Not permanent... just for a few days after getting "eye-poked" for MD.)
Deafness in my Right Ear.  (Compensated for by a hearing aid that I hate to wear.)
White Hair. (Sorry.. I could do a "Trump" and get back the blondness of my youth. I don't want to.)
Glasses (Not really necessary after cataract surgery.. but I'm used to them, and they partially hide the bags under my eyes.)
Broken tooth in the middle of my Smile (Fixable... probably next week, I hope. But I can whistle better with it broken.)
Pimple on my Nose.  (Hope it goes away.  Makes me look like the wicked witch of the West.)
Scars from Skin Cancer. (Not too noticeable unless you look closely.)
Beard and Mustache.  (No.. I'm not giving them up. Even though some kids think that I am Santa.)
Red blotches and scabs. (Temporary.  The results of cryogenic spritzing to avoid skin cancer.)
Nose Hair. (Itches)
Ear Hair. (I can't see it so it doesn't bother me. Just Elaine.)
Allergies (Cat dander.. we have a cat; smoke; plant pollen)


Arthritic left shoulder.  (Painful. Some relief with injections.)
Arthritic Fingers turning to claws. (Only one so far.  More to come.)
Height lost of 4 inches. (Spine compression... damn!  I couldn't afford to lose those inches!)
Weight gain because of height loss... (Actually stayed the same.. but now too fat for my new height.)\
Barnacles all over my arms and legs.  (My tired skin cells have stopped attacking blemishes.)
Blotches all over my arms and legs. (Pooled blood because of using Aspirin as a blood thinner.)
Scars on my arms from cut out skin cancer. (Not too noticeable.)
Arthritic lower back. (Try not to lift heavy stuff.)
Diabetes (Under good control. I can eat anything I want.)
Other stuff... you are probably sound asleep by now.. so I'll let you go.

Ah!  Now I feel better.

And here is shown .... The Ravages of Time:

Now I can get on with interesting stuff and not keep thinking about my ailments.

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