It's all Chinese to me.
I just noticed something. My slouch hat that I use to keep the sun from my head was "made in China." My Kodak card reader that I use all the time was "made in China." My XM Radio remote was "made in China." And that is just three things within my range of vision.
It seems to me that we have a nice symbiotic relationship with China and I hope that Mr. Trump doesn't mess that up. I like my Chinese stuff.
El Presidente
Speaking of Mr. Trump, I see by today's newspaper that nepotism is rearing its ugly head again. Catherine Lucey from the Associated Press says: "The first daughter is seen as a rising power in the young administration. She is getting an office in the West Wing, a security clearance and government-issued electronic devices even though she is not an official employee."
I also seem to remember reading where the first daughter's husband, Mr. Kushner, has been appointed to a group looking for fraud. I could be wrong on this, but I think that his father was once in jail because of fraud. Hmmm.
And then, there is good old Mitch McConnell, whose wife had a very easy time obtaining a cabinet level job.
Dirty Tricks
President Nixon... Hail to king of the Dirty Tricksters... at his direction of course.
I think that Karl Rove was an heir to Richard Nixon. Now he gets to pontificate as though he is some kind of expert on things governmental.
Alex Jones has now apologized (kind of) for feeding the Pizzagate frenzy. The idiot who shot up the pizza shop is getting his head examined and will be in jail for a while. Meanwhile, sub-cretans are showing up in idiotic T-shirts to picket the shop some more.
I read a great science fiction story once about a long time in the past when aliens landed on Earth and tried to find some creature that could have a chance at becoming intelligent with a little help that they would provide. Such creatures had to have the ability to build things... that is, they had to have fingers and thumbs and live outside of water. Aha! They found some large apes that seemed to fill that bill. Through brain manipulation, some of these large apes became smart enough to come in out of the rain. Some did not, and it looks like "never the twain may meet" at least when it comes to politics.
Jump to German Stuff
I thought that it might be fun to show some German phrases that might be easy to dope out even if you do not know German. Let's try a few:
"Zeit ist Geld."
Time is money.
Biblical: (von Genesis)
Kain sagt: "Soll ich meines Bruders Hueter sein?"
Cain says: "Am I my brother's keeper?"
"Es ist nicht gut dass der Mensch allein sei."
It is not good for man to be alone.
"Milch und Honig"
Milk and honey.
"Der Mensch lebt nicht vom Brot allein."
Man does not live by bread alone.
"Die Perlen vor die Saeue werfen."
Cast pearls among swine.
"Wie ein Dieb in der Nacht kommen"
Comes like a thief in the night.
Snow White: Schneeweisschen
"Spiegeln, Spiegeln an der Wand
Wer ist die Schoenste im ganzen Land?
Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?
Hansel und Gretal:
"Knusper, knusper, Knaeuschen,
Wer knuspert an meinem Haueschen?"
Nibble, nibble, who is nibbling on my house?
And last... my favorite.. it is attributed to Martin Luther, who seems like a guy who just wanted to have fun and didn't like the gloomy church rules.
"Wer nicht liebt Wein, Weib, und Gesang,
Der bleibt ein Narr sein Lebelang."
Who doesn't love wine, women and song,
Remains a fool his whole life long
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