Friday, March 31, 2017

Dumb Stuff

Rain, rain, rain.. but better than snow.

Dumb Stuff

"Yesterday, when I was rich...." I had a subscription to Fortune magazine.   I just came across an article that I had torn out of one issue.  It concerned "101 Dumbest Moments in Business, 2007." I thought it might be fun to point out a few and comment on them. (please take them all with a "grain of salt," but they all might be true.


Eli Lilly won FDA approval to put Prozac into pills to treat separation anxiety in dogs.

Upon her death, Leona Helmsley left $12 million to her dog, Trouble.

Rapper Jay-Z sold a clothes line called Rocawear, which put "dog fur" into its "faux fur" jackets.

Chrysler published an online ad showing a dog urinating on its four-wheel Dodge Nitro.  The dog gets electrocuted and goes up in flames.  The tagline is: "Charged with adrenaline."


The website for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds filters contributions it feels are offensive.  For instance, the word Peacock, turns out to be Pea****. However the bird called the Great Tit does not get censored, for some reason.

Redux Beverages got a warning by the FDA that they should stop calling their energy drink "Cocaine."  The company first changed the name to "Censored" and later to "NoName."

Ads for the Turner Broadcasting's Cartoon Network had to be taken down in the Boston area because they showed a character from the show "saluting passersby with an upraised middle finger."

Law Suits

You remember this story, I'm sure.  DC Judge Roy Pearson sued his dry cleaners  for $54 million because they misplaced his suit.   He lost both of the suits and also lost his judgeship because his review board though he showed a lack of judicial judgement bringing such a case.

Johnson and Johnson sued the American Red Cross for infringement of its trademarked red cross.

Sexual (well, kind of.)

The Fitworld gym in Hetern, the Netherlands, introduced Naked Sunday.

A Swiss hoaxer took a picture of his naked body and conned a newspaper into publishing a two-page ad, using the picture, for Gucci Eau de Parfum.

Just Plain Gross

A funeral home in Scotland supposedly regularly used cremains to keep people from slipping on icy sidewalks.

Keith Richards says that he snorted his father's ashes.  (He may have been joshing us on this.)


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