Saturday, April 22, 2017


Coolish and rainy, but we can handle it.

Yesterday, Elaine and I went on a "Quilt Trip."   No... not a "Guilt Trip."  A while ago, 20 or so quilt patterns were posted on barns around Carroll County.  Yesterday, we drove around in a Carroll Lutheran Village bus and looked at 9 or 10 of them.  Afterwards we ate some marvelous food at an Inn in Union Bridge, Maryland.  Very nice.

A couple of days ago, I mentioned that there are three subjects that a public speaker should never discuss:  Sex, Religion and Politics.  I then proceeded to talk about SEX.   Well, today I will talk about RELIGION.

My religious background:    As a young kid, I attended a Quaker meeting house in Mattapoisett, Massachusetts, but only sporadically.  Mostly in the Summer when I spent time with some cousins who lived in the country.

When I was about 9 years old, my cousin Charlie got me to attend the First Baptist Church in New Bedford, Massachusetts.  I was baptized there when I turned 13 years old.

During my time in the Baptist church, I came upon lots of hypocritical activity which I have mentioned elsewhere, but which I won't go into here.

My girlfriend, who later became my wife, took me to Catholic mass quite often.  We got married in a Catholic church.. at the altar too.  My kids were brought up as Catholics.

During the 1970's I felt a need to be affiliated with some kind of religion, so I became a "minister" in the Church of the Modern Apostles.  The church was formed to allow persons to become ethical leaders without having to spend long years studying myths.

Although I am always available to marry and give counseling, the only ministerial duty I have ever performed was to give eulogies at funerals.

I have mellowed over the years, but hypocrites still get my goat.  Example:  Vice President Mike Pence and his attitude towards fellow humans, and much of what comes out of the mouth of President Donald Trump.

But... enough about me:

Love Thy Neighbors

Last year, a Baptist preacher in California said that the only tragedy of the Orlando Nightclub shooting is that "more of them (sodomites) didn't die."

Prepop sez:  See why I got disillusioned with the Baptist Church?  Also... the congregation of the Westboro Baptist Church and their bigotry and hatred.

Stay in Your Place!

Clemson University has designated certain areas on campus for "prayer."  Such areas are called "free speech areas."

Prepop sez:  The people in South Carolina always seemed so nice to me.  I guess they just like to keep things neat and orderly.  Although, I just read where scientists at the University of Utah have discovered that saying prayers has the same effect on the brains of the religious as having sex, and maybe college administrators are trying to get sex confined. .


True Believers?

The Week magazine reported last year that men are more likely to report believing in God after having sex.  "The act causes a surge of the hormone oxytocin, which promotes social bonding, altruism, and spirituality."

Prepop sez:  The effect on women is still being studied.


Keep it Christian

Some constituents in Alabama have been warned by their state representative to stop patronizing stores owned by non-Christians, who "use their profits to help destroy our way of life."

Prepop sez:  I've mentioned before how much I think of those Christian Yellow Pages published in Pennsylvania.  You may not think so, but I think that people who shop based on such a book are extremely bigoted.



An Episcopal priest in Massachusetts was dismissed for plagiarizing his sermons.  He got them from a convenient book called:  Dynamic Sermons.

Prepop sez: I've known for years that it is common practice for most preachers to get their sermon ideas from books they have not written.  But... usually, they do not copy the sermons verbatim as the Massachusetts priest did.

Of course, plagiarism does not matter anymore since the First Lady gave her speech.


The New Religion?

The Week magazine reports that Pope Francis has launched his own Instagram account with the user name of Franciscus.

Prepop sez:  What about Tweets and Facebook?


All Life is Precious

The owner of a vegan restaurant says that cockroaches can stay, because killing other creatures is out of the question for people who believe as he does.

Prepop sez:  I recall reading that cockroaches are a great source of protein.  I think there was a WWII movie about Prisoners of War, where starving guys were saved by unknowingly eating cockroaches.


Prayer Heals All!

The Week magazine cites the mayor of Jackson, Mississippi telling the residents that its many potholes can be fixed by prayer.  He is quoted as saying:  "Moses prayed, and a sea opened."

Prepop sez:   Dream on, your honor.



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