Monday, April 10, 2017

Bigotry; Vandalism; DNA; Lies; Perfume; Bigfoot and Friends

Sunny and 83 degrees.  All the tree buds are popping!

Lots of miscellaneous stuff from various "The Week" magazines:

What are we teaching our kids?

At a robotics conference in Indianapolis, some Latino and Black fourth graders won a contest and were greeted with "Go back to Mexico!"  You know that these heckling kids have to have heard this crap from their parents.  They probably feel that President Trump would approve.

And what are our Assholes learning?

John Rivello, 29 years old, sent epilepsy triggering data to Trump critic, Kurt Eichenwald.  Unbelievable!

This news is very depressing to me.  Every day, something gross happens in the United States to stir my juices.  As Steve Bannon believes, we are in for an 80 year decline.  He is trying to make such a situation come true sooner than later.    How can we get around such worrisome thinking?

Genetic mixture

Well, it's true.  DNA has shown that Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens "swapped spit."  So, now I know why my "beetle-browed" buddies look like that.

Speaking of DNA

My son submitted a DNA sample and the results showed that I really am his father.  I had no doubts about that, but he is so much better looking than I am, some people were wondering.

Alternative Facts

Jonathan Swift: "If a lie believed only for an hour, it hath done its work."

The Future is (already) here

For $350, one can purchase a "Commuter Jacket."  If you bike to work, this piece of clothing can allow you to take phone calls, check on the time, and even get directions, by "swiping" and tapping here and there on this piece of clothing.  I would have thought that this technology was new, but I read where ski clothes with iPod controls have been around for about 14 years.


Want to smell like a "cuddly kitten?"  Demeter Fragrance Library has just the perfume for you.  It also has scents that can make you smell like popcorn, and earthworms.  The  best perfume now available is called "Fuzzy Balls,"  and smells like the air emitted from a "freshly opened can of tennis balls."

I told you they were real!

If you get to Portland, Maine, make sure you visit the International Cryptozoology Museum. Here, you can find information on all kinds of "cryptids".. these are creatures like the Abominable Snowman and Bigfoot.  In addition to data on these beloved humanoids, there is information on non-human creatures, like "Nessie."  Also, if you like hoaxes, there are displays about Jackalopes and the like.


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