Thursday, April 20, 2017

Sex and Gender (R rated)

Sunny and 80 degrees.  Mr. Bluebird is still knocking on our windows and a yellow butterfly  accosted me today.  Omens galore!

What are the three things that public speakers are warned never to talk about?  That's right:  RELIGION, SEX AND POLITICS.  Today, I think I will talk about SEX (and gender).. and mention some situations that have caught my eye during the last few years.

Smell Dating

A matchmaking service in New York City allows customers to find mates by sniffing sweaty, unwashed T-Shirts and Underwear.

Prepop sez:  Those of you who watched Orange is the New Black recognize this example of ingenuity.  But, instead of sweaty T-shirts, the ladies would offer unwashed panties for perv inspection.  Good moneymaker for inmates for a while.


Nosy Professors

The University of Southern California provided students  with a class about sexual consent.  However, the professors got carried away and required all students to confess their sexual histories including information about frequency, number of partners, and the usage of condoms.  The students were not amused.

Prepop Sez:  This was probably a great means for male students to fib a bit.  I wonder if they also taught this at Trump University.


An Understanding Man

Chuck Shepherd reports in the Funny Times for May 2017, that an Oklahoma state Representative proposed a bill to require a woman seeking an abortion to first  identify the father, because his permission would be "crucial."  The Rep said that the woman is "basically a host who invited that (fetus) in."

Prepop sez:  Just... unbelievable!


A Woman's Place...

I'm looking at a picture printed in Reminisce magazine a while ago.  It shows a mother with seven (count 'em) daughters.  Each daughter, of course, is beautiful... but each is shown holding a toy "iron" atop an ironing board.

Prepop sez:  Yes... little girls always had their toy irons to play with back in the "old days."  This was because they were supposed to grow up to be happy ironing their husband's clothes.   Does anyone iron anything today?  "Hubbie, iron your own god-damn clothes yourself!"

Elaine tells how her ex-husband did not realize she was little-by-little  getting rid of his clothes that needed ironing and replacing them by "no ironing" stuff.   She did not want to spend her time ironing, like a lady she knew who even ironed her husband's underwear.


El Presidente and Friends

Prepop sez:  I found this item in The Week magazine for September 4, 2015. Think about it, in light with things going on in 2017.  I am quoting it exactly.

"...GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump resumed his war with Fox News Host Megyn Kelly, saying her show was better when she was on vacation and retweeting an attack that she was 'a bimbo.' Fox News chief Roger Ailes called Trump's comments 'crude and irresponsible' and demanded he apologize."

Ah... Mr. Ailes and now Mr. O'Reilly.... and soon........



A Washington state high school senior was denied entry to her prom because of her big breasts, which apparently were "bustin' out all over" her strapless dress.  They made her wrap herself in a shawl, which embarrassed her so much she left.

Prepop sez:  Breast reduction should not be an option unless there is a medical reason for it.  Women have breasts for a basic reason.  To suckle a baby.  At least that is what I have always been told.  It's hard for me to imagine being a woman, but I think that if I were, and if I had big breasts, I would revel in the fact and enjoy being so feminine.

One of my bosses at Social Security told this story.  He was in charge of thirty ladies who were using key-punching equipment.  They would use a typewriter keyboard to place information into punch cards for computer usage.  These ladies were under 100% review and their pay was based on how accurate they were. .

Statistics showed that one lady was amazing.  She could punch hundreds of accurate cards during the morning hours, but in the afternoon, her output slowed perceptively and her accuracy was very low. The boss was concerned, so he tried to  watch this lady work and see what the problem was.

He discovered the reason for her problem.  She had pendulous breasts and as the day went on and she got a little tired, she would slump in her chair and her enormous appendages would fall on the keyboard, causing typing errors.  He said that he solved the problem by giving this lady extra break periods so she would not get so tired.

Kind of Similar?  An article in The Week magazine mentioned that a German bank employee dozed off on his computer keyboard's "2" and "turned a transfer of 64.2 euros into a transfer of 222,222,222.22 euros -- $293 million."  I suspect that this error was detected and fixed quickly.


In a Gender Quandary 

The City University of New York has advised its professors to stop referring to students by gender words, such as Mr or Ms, so as not to offend persons who "identify as neither."

Prepop sez:   What do you do?  Use their first names?  Call them:  "Hey you!"  "Gospodeen?"  "Citizen?"    "My fellow American.?"

I give up!


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