Saturday, December 17, 2016

Authoritarian Personalities; UBER; Ethnic Rentals; Chips and Squid; Mensa Notes and Quotes; Punchlines; Bald Eagle vs the Turkey; They Remember her Still

Our first snow... a couple of inches.  And it iced over.  Even though we have a contract with where we live that they will shovel the snow, nobody showed up.  Luckily, we had nowhere to go, because we could not have gotten Elaine's wheelchair through the icy snow.


In an Intertel newsletter for 2007, Steve Mayer (sp?) wrote what was supposed to be a comparison of George W. Bush to Hitler.  Check out what he said:

"They (Hitler types)  are notably insecure in their daily lives, and as a result, can become aggressive - even violent - when defending/promoting their beliefs... they can be either male or female.  Most often though, Authoritarian Personalities are males.  Being amoral, they will say or do anything, and certainly won't hesitate to distort facts in their quest for power.  They pick on the weak, accept torture as an expedient, are not self-critical, and believe they have the answer to every question.  This makes any attempt at negotiation pointless."

Does that remind you of anyone in the news today?

Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me!

Today's show had a few items that I really grabbed onto:

UBER says:  "No more sex in the car!"  (Is it OK in taxicabs?)

Germany now has a "Rent a Jew" program.  A company decided that since today's Germans do not usually get a chance to connect with Jewish persons, (I wonder why) they would (for a price) set up meetings so that  Gentiles could find out what a Jew is all about.

(What about a program called "Rent an Arab" for the U.S?  ..  Seriously, I would guess that most Americans have never met a Moslem person and have only a hazy idea of their religion and customs.)

A new word has been coined for scatological talk.  Such speech is now known as "lavatorial."

The Brits have panicked.  Cod fish has become hard to catch, so they have creatively come up with a substitute for Fish and Chips.  It's called "Chips and Squid."  There's lots and lots of squid available.  Someday I may be able to stomach squid.  Greeks love it.  I find it a mite chewy.  Perhaps I should buy some sharper teeth and give it another chance.

Mensa Notes

Gil Krebs, from Charleston, South Carolina writes:  "The hypothalamus is one of the most important parts of the brain, involved in many kinds of motivation, among other functions.  The hypothalamus controls the "four 'Fs'":  1 Fighting  2  Fleeing  3  Feeding  4  Mating

Jim Bie, from LaJolla, California writes about his presentation to an audience who he assumed were so used to jokes that they would enjoy hearing just the punchlines again.  That way, their audience could fill in the joke from their own memory.  A great idea!... except that I had also tried that and bombed!  and so did Jim.  (check out my story in another one of my blogs.. search for "punchlines".

Anonymous:  "There are no mausoleums in Prague because the undertakers refuse to cache Czechs."

Anonymous:  "We have enough youth, how about a fountain of smart?"

Ben Franklin said:  "I wish the bald eagle had not been chosen as the representative of our country:  he is a bird of bad moral character; like those among men who live by sharping and robbing, he is generally poor, and often very lousy.  The  turkey is a much more respectable bird, and withal a true original native of America."

Wally of Troy says:  "Sins of omission:  These are the sins you should have committed, but didn't... (and remember), the only way to get rid of temptation is to give in to it."

Geroge Dunn of Indianapolis says:  Quasimodo's job description: kyphotic campanologist.

Doug Larson:  "The cat could very well be man's best friend but would never stoop to admitting it."

A great poem by Hugh G. White from Midland, Tesxas

"A century ago, 'neath a Tennessee hill,
Hepzibah White ran a moonshine still.
Her product was widely noted
As first-rate likker and neat,
Guaranteed to cloud your mind
And knock you off your feet.

Hepzibah is now long gone,
Her spirit's left the rill,
And though she no longer cooks her mash
The hills remember her still."


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