Thursday, December 8, 2016

NARFE Mtg; Eye Poke; President Trump; Joke; Ads; Lies

Cold, 40 degrees, but sunny mostly.

In the morning, I attended the monthly NARFE meeting for December.  The Board had voted to discontinue the Yankee Swap with me as Santa.  Instead, they brought in a "patriot", who sang and showed pictures of the flag, and recited Franklin Roosevelt's speech, which took place the day after December 7, 1941, 75 years ago today.  Very moving stuff.

In the afternoon, I went to my retina specialist for my periodic eye poke.  This time, during the procedure, I must have moved, because the doctor had to "poke" me twice, and now my right eye is all red.  He said that this should go away in a few days.  Meanwhile, I'll have to make up some story about Elaine punching me in the eye.

Trump' s Strategy

Hamilton Fish wrote in the December first issue of the Washington Spectator, and I quote:

"It's easy to guess at where a right-leaning Republican Congress is headed, but harder to intuit where a Trump presidency will take them.  Trump provided a window into his tactics in his 1987 book 'The Art of the Deal.'  'The final key to the way I promote is bravado.  I play to people's fantasies.  People may not always think big themselves, but they can still get very excited by those who do.  That's why a little hyperbole never hurts.  People want to believe something is the biggest and the greatest and the most spectacular.  I call it truthful hyperbole.  It's an innocent form of exaggeration.-- and a very effective form of promotion.'"

"Either we have elected an opportunistic, conservative businessman who is only just beginning to understand the constraints on his office, or we are standing on the doorstep of the apocalypse."

Old Stuff:

Let's Be Friends

A woman telephoned a friend and asked how she was feeling.

"Terrible," answered the friend.  "My head's splitting and my back is killing me, and the kids are driving me crazy."

"Listen, " the caller said, "go and lie down.  I'll come right over and cook lunch for you, clean the house, and take care of the children while you get some rest.  By the way, how is Sam?"

"Sam?" the complaining housewife asked.

"Yes, your husband."

"I've got no husband named Sam."

"My heavens," gasped the first woman, "I must have dialed the wrong number."

There was a long pause.  "Then you're not coming over?" the other woman asked.


Actual Advertisements (I think)

Ad for a reliable bed making company:

"We stand behind every bed we make."

I hope not.


Ad in a showbiz paper:

"Lion tamer wants a tamer lion."


Ad for a falsie manufacturer:

"Beware of imitations."

The Best Lies

Back in 1989, Ann Landers posted some "big lies" that were sent to her by readers.  Here are a few:

"I promise to pay you back out of my next paycheck."

"But officer, I only had two beers."

"Of course I will respect you in the morning."

"You have nothing to worry about, Honey, I've had a vasectomy."

"The reason I'm late is because I ran out of gas."

"You don't look a day over 40."

"I gave at the office."

"You can tell me, I won't breathe a word to a soul."

"Our children never gave us a bit of trouble."

"Having a great time.  Wish you were here."

"The dog ate my homework."

Now... how many of these have you said over the years?  Be honest now.


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