Friday, September 24, 2021


Here are a few items from my blog-ideas file that interested me when I first encountered them and which continue to "tickle my fancy."

("Tickle my fancy" was mentioned back in 1774 by Abraham Tucker who wrote: '... animals whose play had a quality of striking the joyous perception, or, as we vulgarly say tickling the fancy.'

The phrase also has been used pornographically in England.  I won't say how.

I use the phrase to mark items that I like and that are usually kind of funny or thought-provoking.)

01.  Victor Hugo wrote: "The supreme happiness of life consists in  the conviction that one is loved."  

How sad must be the person who has nobody who loves them!

02.  In 2018, the Readers Digest captured  the following:

"Art Garfunkel said that the play Our Town by Thornton Wilder serves as a 'Manual for Living.'"

Art said: "The play's message is that humans, caught up in daily concerns, fail to appreciate life's beauty and preciousness."

"That's all human beings are!" says Emily Webb Gibbs, a dead woman looking down upon the living and astonished by their folly.

"Just blind people!"   

(To paraphrase something I think was written by either Goethe or Voltaire: "Only two things amaze me.  The starry firmament above and the firmament below.")

Go out and smell the roses!


03.  In 2019, The Week magazine wrote:

"North Koreans, have been told to produce 200 pounds of 'human manure' every day, to help fertilize the nation's crops, and to pay for any shortfall in cash.  Since no human makes that much poop, the new directive seems to be a unique kind of tax."

I suggest that we send ex-president Trump over to his friend Kim, to help.  Mr. Trump has been known to produce tons of BS every day.


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