Wednesday, March 16, 2022


Questions and Comments 

1.  Does anyone over the age of 16 go to movie theaters anymore?

Movie reviews that I read seem very childish with predictable or no plots.  We choose to see movies on our home computer setups.

2.  Are movie theater tickets costly?

When I was young, tickets were cheap. Candy and popcorn consumption were costly and paid the theater owner's bills.  Now, I understand that both tickets and "food" items are costly. (Yes, I know about inflation.) 

Skinny little candy bars top $2 each, while buckets of popcorn might cost $6 each.

As I mentioned yesterday, a friend and I could spend 15 cents and stuff lots and lots of sugar-filled goodies into our maws as we watched triple features.

3.  Why do companies charge so much to see their movies online?

You can watch When Harry Met Sally online for $29.  I think that no movie is worth that much, especially one that has only one remarkable scene. 

4.  Why do companies say I've entered their movie reservation service when I was just spending 5 minutes checking out a film?

Even if after two minutes viewing of a film and finding it dumb and obnoxious, and moving on, several companies bill my credit card for a monthly fee.

For instance, I found out in less than a minute that a movie was idiotic and moved on, the "Shouts and Screams" movie club automatically began to charge me $8,97 per month as a member of their movie club.

5.  Why do movie producers allow young kids to curse?

It makes me mad to hear an eight-tear-old forced to use the F-word in a movie role.  (Yes, I guess I am a prude, although I do have my cursing moments.)

Also, if the movie characters curse a lot, I sign off.  I realize that some studios use unnecessary cursing to get an "R" rating, but such attempts kill any chance for the picture to earn an award. (In my opinion.)

Other movie dialogue

Roy Blunt Jr. writes in Alphabet Soup:

"Nobody writes dialogue like this any more:

'My liver works like a buttered eagle.' - Joel McCrea in Preston Sturges' The Great Moment.'"

Thank goodness for that.

Another quote (Anon Student)

"It's a good thing electricity was invented, otherwise we all would be watching televised movies by whale oil candle light."



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