Monday, March 21, 2022


(We expect Elaine to come home soon, hopefully today.  At night it's just me and Susie and her diminishing pelage.  We miss Elaine!)


A WORDLE expert suggests that we use the same opening word for each puzzle.  I disagree.

I think that there is a lot more mental fun to use a different opening word each time.

02.  WAIT!  WAIT!

I like the entertaining radio show: "Wait! Wait! Don't Tell Me." A different episode airs on a Washington, D.C. station each Sunday at noon.  I am not always available to listen on Sundays, so I listen to it on Mondays as a podcast.

It is a British-style question and answer program and I believe in what they say. I learn something whenever I listen, for instance:


To address the potential rising cost of buying  products, and to keep their current prices from rising,  Charmin will be reducing the number of sheets in their toilet paper rolls.

Oh, and there will also now be fewer Doritos in a package.


Disney will be opening a Star Wars themed hotel in Orlando.  For $5,000 a night, fans can interact  with actors playing Chewbacca and Han Solo.


Bologna is being smuggled into the U.S. from Mexico.

(I read that 250 pounds of illegal bologna has already been seized at the U.S./Mexican border.  It is illegal because it is made from pork and might introduce pathogens into our country.)


It's hard for me to believe, but "couch-potatoes" are going crazy over potato food that used to be thrown away.

Most major potato-chip manufacturers are now marketing formerly over-cooked and rejected burnt chips.

Damn clever!



Wisconsin has made an APP available for residents to claim and eat ROAD-KILL!

03.  OY!

This is from The Progressive for 2015:

"(Former Wisconsin Governor) Scott Walker, when he was Milwaukee County executive, tried to show his sensitivity to the Jewish community by promising in a letter to display a menorah at the courthouse.

He ended the letter, which was recently made public, by writing, 'Thank you again and Molotov.'"   


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