My daughter Diane called to warn me that my Facebook account had been hacked. I had recently accepted two friend requests from people I thought were already my friends. So those accounts were suspects.
I searched Facebook for those possible fake accounts and found one that was interesting. This person had two accounts, both connected to my name. One account was empty, so I deleted it. This "person" had recently sent me some messages concerning potential money-making opportunities. I had already deleted that message.
I also found three other accounts for the other "friend" connected to my name, but all three were different and did not appear fake.
A funny thing though - each of these accounts had a different set of friends and each of every one of them had a number of "mutual friends" associated with it. I had never heard of any of them. ?
I put out a notice that folks should not accept friend requests from me. If anyone did already accept, I would like to know if they had received any fake messages from "me, because I don't do "messages" or "texts."
Memorial Day Parade
Our helper told me about a way to view the Westminster, Maryland Memorial Day Parade remotely, and it worked well, except that it was the view from the cab of a firetruck that was in the parade.
It was fun to watch the crowds of happy waving people lining the curbs. So, even though I didn't see the actual parade, I had a good time "people-watching."
At midnight I went out on our side porch to see if any of the predicted "meteor shower" was visible. There were no clouds in the north-east sky and I had a great experience.
During other attempts to see "shooting stars," I felt lucky if I saw three in an hour.
Last night I saw 44 in ten minutes!
I had to quit my viewing because my neck was getting stiff.
These "shooting stars" did not just zoom downward like others I've seen; they zoomed all over the place, better than any fireworks display I have ever seen.
Nurse Jackie said she saw only 5 in a half hour. She watched from 1am to 1:30 am, while I watched for 10 minutes starting right at midnight. I guess the "shower" tapered off shortly after my viewing time.