Several years ago this blog was called "Joe Reads The News," but as the daily world situation disintegrated, I stopped commenting on all the bad news we all are experiencing. Now, if I do comment on the news, it is in (I hope) a satirical manner.
Little Brains like Ours?
Bottom Line Personal for May 15th, 2022, reported on an interesting study conducted by researchers at the University of California, San Diego.
"Tracking brain activity of Drosophilia melanogaster while the insects were subjected to different stimuli revealed that the flies were capable of learning and memory as well as distractibility -- in surprisingly similar ways as humans and other mammals."
Think about that when you are swatting a fly. This little creature has a brain similar to ours. Don't be surprised if our ET's have eight legs and antennae.
And think about that creature with a convoluted brain a hundred times larger than human's, namely a Blue Whale. What about that, Ahab?
Some folks even believe that plants have brains. Why not?
Amy Vaughan has an app that allows her to focus her camera on a plant and receive information about that plant. I've just been made aware that the PlantNet app will also do that. I think I'd like to try that.
Ambrose Bierce's Devil's Dictionary says:
"Brain = An apparatus with which we think that we think ... in our civilization, and under our republican form of government, brain is so highly honored that it is rewarded by exemption from office."
William H. Roylance insults your brain in his
"Complete Book of Insults, Boasts, and Riddles."
"You haven't even got the brains you were born without."
"You're no birdbrain, a bird is smarter."
"You must have been passed out when the brains were."
"If you ever have a successful brain operation it will have to be an installation job."
How about a Yiddish insult:
"A chvarobe dir in dee gehirn."
"May illness strike your brain!"
The same auf Deutsch:(in German)
"Mag Krankheit ihr Gehirn treffen!"
See: Gehirn means brain in both languages. Yiddish was originally a German dialect with words from Hebrew and other languages.
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