We just received a notice that we are on a "tornado Watch." Wait a minute! Where we live in Maryland is a place with a lot of hills, how could we possibly have tornados? Kentucky, where Katey and Amy live. have lots of them, but surely not us.
Well, since I've lived in Maryland our area has had at least three.
1. A tornado roared through Westminster, Maryland dying right in the driveway of my daughter Beth's boyfriend's home. No injuries.2. A tornado touched done on a flat expanse of farmland in Gamber, where we lived. It destroyed a farmhouse, but no one was injured. Debris (a lifetime of memories) flew into our back yard and my son, Chris, picked up most of it and brought it to the nearby firehouse so the owners could retrieve it.
3. A tornado attacked Reisterstown, near where we live and broke all the windows and the front door of the rowhouse that my son was about to move into.
He was there with a U-Haul truck filled with furniture and was accompanied by two crying little girls.
The owner of the unit refused to do anything about the damage until the insurance appraiser showed up -- "perhaps early next week."
I don't remember what we did to get the owner to relent, but whatever it was, it was powerful. He contracted a cleanup crew that came out immediately and shoveled broken glass and fixed the door so that Chris and his girls had a place to sleep that night.
Hot Stuff
The Air Conditioner Company brought us a high-powered unit to use until our system is fixed.
I just got a call to let us know that our part has suddenly been delivered and it will be installed Monday afternoon.
This part is supposed to be a "super duper" creation that will keep our unit in "tip top" shape for ever more.
(Loud cheers!)
Yeah, sure.
WORDLE - I almost didn't get this one. At the last moment I entered a word that I didn't think was right. It was, so I kept my 100% score.
Strange Words
Today Professor McWhortle talked about words that have no ancestry. Like:
cranberry - what is a cran?
loganberry - what is a logan?
permit - what's a mit? Not derived from Latin mit, - the word for put.)
Easy German Joke
Im Dorfgasthaus haengt ein Bindfaden aus dem Fenster. "Was soll denn das?, fragt ein Gast."
"Das ist unser Barometer", antwortest der Wirt.
""Wenn es sich bewegt, ist es windig, und wenn er nass ist, regnet es!"
Bindfaden = thread
Fenster = window
Gast = guest
Wirt = proprietor
windig = windy
nass = wet
regnet = rains
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