Sunday, May 29, 2022


1.  Spelling Bees

Professor John McWhortle says that English speakers are the only people that can have "Spelling Bees."  This is because our language is full of words that look kind of alike, but which sound different.

Example:  rough, through, ought, thought, etc.

Other languages retain the sounds of their letters consistently within words.

Listen to what we hear when some Germans recite their version of their  A.B.C. rhyme.

Ah, Bey, Tsay, Day, Ey, Eff, Gay, Ha, Ee, Yot, Kah, El, Em, En, Oh, Pay, Coo, Are, Ess, Tay, Ooh, Fow, Vey, Eeks, Epsilon, Tset.

When in Germany I was first asked how to pronounce Vaughan, I said "it sounds like your 'von.'"

So they pronounced it "Fon."

I realized that I should have said "it sounds like 'Won.'"

Americans have trouble with Vaughan too, Most of the young folks who never heard of Vaughan Monroe or Somerset Maugham say "Voghan."

2.  Travel

I caught a few minutes of in interview with a lady who just completed a virtual tour of the United States,  It took her 18 months,

From her home and using her computer, she would visit cities and watch videos about each city's claims to fame.

For instance:  On a virtual visit to Baltimore, Maryland, she would observe Betsey Ross' Flag House, Edgar Allen Poe's Burial Spot, the world famous Johns Hopkins Hospital and College, Fort McHenry, The Museum of Industry, The Inner Harbor, etc.

3.  Emma's Words

No, this is not about Jane Austin's matchmaking Emma.  It is about Emma Lazarus the author and poet. Emma lived a short life (1849 - 1887).

You'll remember her lines that were installed on a plaque on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty. The lines are from her poem "The New Colossus."  Here are some of the memorable words:

"Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,


Some politicians have lost sight of the concept of FREEDOM.  This is why thousands of people climb over 30 foot walls and brave dangerous rivers and hazardous ocean voyages to enter the U.S. and be FREE.


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