Alpha Male Stuff
A while ago, I found a wonderful little book by Bobby Mercer called "Man Ventions." It is all about inventions that "men can't live without."
At one spot in the book, the author lists "the top ten tackiest TV manventions." How many of them do you remember?
01. Hair in a Can Spray - a hairstyling product used to cover bald spots, probably used by Rudy Giuliani.
02. The Clapper - a sound-activated electrical switch. "Clap on! Clap Off! The Clapper!"
03. Chia Pets - the first Chia Pets were the ram and the bull in 1981. Pottery that grows. "Cha Cha Cha Chia!"
04. Ginsu Knives - "One of the best known brands of cheap stainless steel kitchen knives that are actually good."
05. Popeil Pocket Fisherman - a fishing pole that fits in your pocket.
06. Inside-the-shell egg scrambler - easy way to scramble an egg? Comment: "Much easier to do it the old fashioned way." Comment: "Better if you use a sock."
07. The Flowbee - a vacuum haircut system.. now with "super mini vac" for only $199.95.
08. Mr. Microphone - cordless microphone that connects to your FM radio. (Just what I needed when I was in Toastmasters)
09. Shamwow - "Super Absorbent Multi-purpose Cleaning Shammy Towel Cloth."
10. Battery-operated battery chargers - huh? I can't get my brain to comprehend.