Monday, June 27, 2022


This week's presentation of "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" was filled with interesting information that might not be covered in your local newspaper, for instance:

Popular Nudist Sport

Pickleball is a sport similar to tennis or ping pong.  It was developed as a game that would not be too strenuous for senior citizens.  (Recent documents define "Senior Citizen" as someone older than 54.)

Recently nudists have taken up the sport and it has become quite popular, especially in Cypress Grove and Tampa Bay in sunny Florida.

This begs a lot of questions that I won't go into here.

Speaking about nudism, Nantucket Island, of all places has passed some type of ordinance that will allow anyone to walk around naked from the waist up.  Perhaps now new limericks can be created for the "man from Nantucket."

This reminds me of some questions related to nude weddings:

Just who is the best man?

Where does the best man keep the wedding ring? 

And I am also reminded about the time that my fiancĂ©e and I were asked to deliver something important to the brother of a friend who was vacationing at a cottage on Clark's Cove, near New Bedford.  He was a gifted musician somehow connected to the Boston Pops.

We pounded on the door of the cottage because loud music was emanating from within.  After a while our prey answered the door with an instrument in his hand.

He was completely nude and his musical comrades seated behind him were all naked as well.

This also reminds me of the time when we ferried relatives across the country from Massachusetts to California. My beloved aunt and her daughter immediately consulted newspaper ads for rental property.  One sounded promising.  When they knocked on the renter's door, a middle-aged naked man appeared.  My relatives decided right then to return to Massachusetts as soon as possible.

This all reminds me of another relative, my artistic second cousin, who on a pretext of meeting me at my YMCA job and treating me to lunch, sneaked down to the basement locker room near where I worked and was discovered drawing pictures of the naked men.

ENOUGH?  I started out prepared to list some news from my favorite show, but I got side-tracked.  Sorry.


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