Sunday, June 19, 2022


I hope you had a pleasant Father's Day.  I didn't have a father in my life but I loved my grandfather as though he was my father.  

My two wonderful children visited me along with my unbelievable handsome grandson, Jackson.  Jack is a song writer and entertainer.  You will be hearing a lot about him in the years to come.

My visitors brought me some tasty Maryland crabs, some delicious IPA brew, some hamburger and a few of those pretzels dipped in sweet stuff.  I was in "fat city!"

In addition, my son fixed my cell phone.  Now I can communicate with the world again.

Some Fathers' Day Thoughts

Mensa Trivia

These are questions missed by Jeopardy contestants.

1.  What is the only nation whose name ends in "h"?

2.  Who is the author of "Every man in his Humor" who stabbed a man to death in 1598?

 (answers at the end)


There is a show streaming on NETFLIX called "Is it Cake?"

Specialty bakers create cakes that mimic everyday objects, such as egg cartons, money bags, and items of clothing.  Contestants must decide if an item is just as shown or just an ordinary cake.  The guesser finds out the truth by slicing the object with a machete.  Interesting.

Ears of Corn

Joe Yonan mentions a tip from "The American Test Kitchen" about preparing ears of corn, right from the farm.

Cut through the cobs on one end.

Douse them in water.

Nuke them for several minutes and then easily shake them from husks.

All silk comes off easily.

Gun Question

How about requiring liability insurance for guns?


In 1932, the Nazi Party propogandist Goebbles declared:" We want to build a wall, a protective wall."

Where Women can hide their guns.

A gun company ad shows women lashing their pistols via belts below their breasts.

BTW 45,000 people died in the U.S. last year because of firearms.


There are close to 800 billionaires in the U.S.

How many are African American?

How many are Asian American?

Music Lovers?

Performers at a recent National Symphony Orchestra had trouble doing their job because of the constant ringing of cell phones.

In addition, concert goers were now able to bring their booze  to their seats as long as they used certain plastic cups, which got dropped all over the floor after use.  Someone said its now like sitting in a dumpster.

Big Words from James Joyce

metempsychosis = reincarnation (kind of)

ineluctable modality = a method or plan to be resisted

Big Word from Joe Vaughan

sillicide = continuous dripping (as in my kitchen faucet and my toilet tank)


Answers to trivia:

1. Bangladesh

2. Ben Johnson


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