(Su Zee and I are roaming around this empty house, awaiting word on Elaine's condition.
Meanwhile, I just tried a recipe for onion pie. Never heard of it until the other day. Supposed to be delicious. It was very easy to make and I'm waiting for it to cool.)
The New York Times runs stories about living in Manhattan each Sunday and I like to read most of them, like this one (paraphrased) from Howard Deixler.
He tells how he was intrigued by three netted balls in a deli cheese section. He couldn't resist and squeezed each one, finding them very hard.
As he squeezed the last one, the proprietor yelled, "It's a bocce ball, leave it alone!"
02. Rain Storm?
As I have been sitting at my computer, I have heard what sounds like a raging rain storm battering our house.
Apparently, it's just a crew power-washing the house. This has not been done in years. There has been an accumulation of grime and grit permeating all parts of the house from the acid rain gift to us by the State of West Virginia.
03. Brain Size
Over the years I have read that two alcoholic drinks per day does not harm your brain, and may even be good for it. Now, Professor Gideon Nave, PhD of the Wharton School says: "One daily drink is linked to the shrinkage of white and gray matter we see in aging." OY!
04. Risky Foods
Gregory A. Plotnikoff, Minnesota MD, says that mycotoxins, naturally occurring toxins by molds in certain foods can cause shortness of breath, chest pain, sinusitis, cognitive impairment, anxiety and depression.
Foods to look out for: corn, cereals, nuts, spices, dried fruit, fresh fruits and coffee beans.
Greg says that you should not store foods in high-moisture areas, and consume such risky foods in moderation over six months periods.
Double OY!
05. Pass the spices?
These food items contain mood-enhancing chemicals:
Black Pepper
Joseph Feuerstein Md of Columbia University reports that the use of these spices favorably impacts your mood, immune system, sleep and overall health.
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