01. Yummie?
Once, I had a pass for a free pizza at a famous Boston restaurant. As I was walking in, the biggest rat I have ever seen ran in before me. I always wondered what their pizza tasted like.
02. Big City Problem
New York City has always had a rat problem. People put their leftover stuff out to the sidewalk at all hours of the day and night, to make sure that the local rats have a nice buffet. The city has plans to fix that problem.
Effective in April 2023:
Trash must be placed in black trash bags.
Trash can be placed in bins with working covers, but only beginning 6 PM.
Trash not in bins can be placed on the sidewalk, but not before 8 pm.
Trash will be picked up during the night. (A little night music by diligent trashmen.
03. Dorchester Creatures
I've already mentioned our sojourn in Dorchester, Massachusetts. We obtained lodging at night and were surprised the next morning to see piles and piles of garbage in the back yard. The residents were thoughtful though. They left paths for the rats to safely perambulate.
04. Rat Pets
I've read where some folks keep rats as pets. Not the "Black Plague" kind, but the "cuddly" brown ones. It is said that all rats like to be rolled over on their backs and have their tummies rubbed. It apparently tickles them and they make pleasure sounds. You gonna do it?
05. Ratman?
News sources today reported that human neurons have been transplanted into rats' brains. Apparently, they form connections with rat neurons for scientific research. We are assured that rat behavior is not affected.
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