Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter; NRA; Fairy Tales; Baltimore; Murder; El Salvado; Political Poem; Miracle; Shakespeare; Stupid Thieves; Rock and Roll Grandma

Happy Easter!  Kind of overcast and cool today.  Usually Easter falls on a nice warm sunny day.  Our friend, Fran sent us a nice card and note.  My late wife and I used to trek down to Spartanburg, South Carolina every Easter.  That day was the only one of the year in which we went to church, and we kind of enjoyed the mass, the Easter clothes, and the smiling faces.. followed by a massive Easter supper.

One of the sermons was extremely memorable.. so memorable in fact, that I remembered the whole thing and can recite it even today, a couple of decades later.  Am I good, or not?  Well, here goes:

He's back!

That's it.  What could be more to the point and succinct?

Let's see.. I'm looking into Prepop's Blog Pot  for something interesting.

Little Red Firing Hood

I read somewhere that the National Rifle Association has had some of our favorite Fairy Tales rewritten to show what would happen if the protagonists had been armed.  For instance:

o  Red Riding Hood packs heat and wastes the unsuspecting big bad wolf.

o  Hansel and Gretel pull out their hidden rifles in the witch's cottage and blow it to smitherines.

o  Goldilocks installs a trip line, wakes when she feels a pull on the line, and slaughters the unsuspecting bear family, which she assumes were getting ready to eat her.

I'm not sure that this information is accurate, but I wouldn't put it past the NRA.

Baltimore Stuff

The Week magazine quotes the Pew Research Center in saying that 50% of blacks and only 39% of whites think that poverty and lack of opportunity contributed to the 2015 rioting.

The Week also quotes in saying that in the poor Baltimore neighborhoods of Littly Italy and Greenmount East, infant mortality is about 20 per 1,000... and this is higher that it is in the West Bank, Honduras, or Venezuela!

Baltimore may be a place where lots of people are murdered; however, we have a long way to go to catch up to El Salvador, where 6,657 people were murdered there in 2015!  (Wait a minute.. how many people in the whole of the United States were murdered here in 2015?  Of course, El Salvador is a lot smaller than the U.S.  More like the size of Maryland, maybe.)


Calvin Trillin writes topical poems for the Nation magazine. In the March 21, 2016 issue, he wrote the following satirical piece.. and I quote:

If Chris (Christie) and Donald form a team,
Would many voters pick it?
Could there be folks who might support
A schoolyard-bullies ticket?

What do you think about that?

An Easter Miracle

The New Yorker magazine mentions that in 2000, a vision of the Virgin Mary materialized on a dirty window in New Jersey.  A photograph (or maybe the window itself?) is on display now at the Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) in New York City.

Remember when farmers were finding Richard Nixon's face in potatoes?  How about the Shroud of Turing?  Shakespeare's missing skull? 

Careless Thievery

The New York Post reports that a Florida thief who forced two guys to give up their wallets by gun point, dropped his own wallet in the excitement of the moment.  Police found it.

Stupidity Reigns

The Week magazine reports on another brilliant Florida neer-do-well who tried to cash a $368 billion dollar check.  He says that he bought it from a guy for $100. 

Rock and Roll

The Week magazine also reports that a 91 year-old Canadian woman was issued a ticket for $122 because of a complaint from a downstairs neighbor who said her rocking chair was too noisy.


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