Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Planting seeds; Voter Registration; Potassium; Grandfather; MRI's; Mail Order; Telephone; IRS Law Suit; Ice Fishing

In the 60's and sunny.  A glorious day.  I was able to sit on the deck and work on a cryptic puzzle for a while.  (I have to be careful of my sun exposure because I am a skin cancer survivor.)  I also spent about an hour sifting dirt from containers on our deck.  I sprinkled radish and turnip seeds on the dirt in one of our green containers.  Then I spread the sifted dirt over the seeds.  Maybe some of them will germinate.. I bought the seed at the dollar store and I'm not too sure that the results will be good.

I still have more onion sets to plant, so if the weather is good tomorrow, I will get another of my green containers ready and plant them so I can have tasty scallions shortly. 

I'm trying to remember the name of my "green containers"..  meanwhile, as soon as tomato plants are up and available, I want to put a few in deck containers as I did last year.  My green-thumbed daughter, Diane, gave me some plants, but I didn't get them in early enough to get many tomatoes, but the ones I did get were delicious..  I'll try to do better this year.

Bright eyed and bushy tailed, I started out to  do some errands around 4 pm today.  I wanted to get to the MVA  for a voter registration form (I'm going to go back to being a democrat for this primary election.. very important to get another Democrat into the Senate seat being vacated by that wonderful Barbara Mikulski.)  and to Labcorps to get more blood work.. my cardiologist wants to make sure that my potassium level isn't getting too high, as the result of taking one of my medications.   High potassium levels can cause changes to heart rhythms.

Of course, the MVA closed at 4 pm, and also Labcorps.   However, I was able to get my voter form at the Westminster library and I'll have to make an earlier start tomorrow to get my blood work done.

Now... wasn't all that interesting.  No?  Well, tough luck.  Us old folks like to talk about our problems and illnesses.  You'll learn that as you get older.   I always remember my grandfather and what he said every morning when he got up:  "Oh! My arms, my legs, my ass!  Oh!"  He  said that a lot.. and, guess what, I do now too.  In fact, as I've said many times before, when I look into the mirror, I see my grandfather.  I loved that old coot, as crotchety and complaining as he was.

Speaking of complaining, I want to mention a few telephone calls I was involved with today.

MRI Appointment Scheduled

One of my doctors has noticed some kind of "mass" in my body (and I'm not even Catholic) and wants me to have an abdomen MRI and a pelvic MRI.  I've been putting it off for months because I have enough medical problems to worry about without whatever will occur when the MRI uncovers it.  Anyway, I finally called to arrange for the MRI's.  I must have awakened the lady who answered because I could hear her yawning before she kind of said "Ah..  what can I do for  you?  Yawn."

She  asked me for my first name and couldn't find me on file.. then it must have dawned on her that I might have a last name.  Once she got that.. and got it again when she needed the extra "a" in Vaughan.. then she asked me a number of times for my age.. apparently they don't get old dudes like me very often.  She gave me one date for both MRI's.  Later, she called me back to say that I needed two dates.  Later, she called me back again to asked me how much I weighed.  I said: "200"... she seemed surprised and said: "Really?"  I said sadly "Yeah."

Mail Order Request for Elaine

Elaine asked if I would order a couple of things from a mail order catalog.  The 800 number rang a long time until a sweet  young voice informed me that I had to wait my turn in a queue.  She then let me listen to some disgusting rap music until she got back to tell me to wait some more.  After quite a long time, a young man's voice said: "Yeah.. what's up?"  This was Brian and he was going to be pleased to take my order.. except that he sure didn't sound pleased.  You could hear the disgust in his voice.  Here was a guy who obviously hated his job.  But we got along well.. we had the usual misspelling of Vaughan.. and the mistake for someone else who lives in Westminster named Vaughn.
I felt like asking him why he hated his job, but thought better about it.  He did brighten up when he found my confirmation number... he made that sound like I had hit the lottery.  So, that encounter came out ok after all.

IRS Law Suit

Somebody on Caller ID named Jose Gomez called from California to announce in a woman's voice  that whoever was answering the telephone was the subject of a law suit being initiated by the IRS.  Help could be offered if we would just dial a certain telephone number that was provided.  Although shaking in my boots, I did not answer the phone and instead let the message play on the answering machine.

I wonder if Jose Gomez is this scammer's real name.  I doubt it, or he is some dumb jerk.  We in TRIAD, as well others in local law enforcement  have repeatedly announced that IRS does not call people on the telephone.  Unfortunately, older people are often caught off guard and actually believe that IRS is after them.  So, they dial the given number and spill out all of their vital numbers.. Social Security, Checkbook, or other financial information.  How can we stop these scammers?  Perhaps the only way to do it is how they do things in countries like China.  Catch them and kill them.  Good deterrent. But then again, that is not the American way.. pre-Trump.

 Religious Joke?

I've been kind of negative in this blog post, so let me finish off with an old joke.. attributed by Readers Digest to Allison Janney.

A guy goes ice fishing for the very first time.  All of a sudden, he hears a voice.  "There are no fish under the ice!"  He ignores it and moves to another area, cuts a hole and tosses his line in.  Again, he hears the booming voice:  "There are no fish under the ice!" 

He nervously looks up and asks: "Lord, is that you?"

"No, this is the rink manager!"




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