Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Kinesics; Afiliation; Love; Leo Buscaglia; Yogi Sez; Yogi Berra

Aw..come on... 78 degrees in March...! What's going on?  But, let's enjoy it while we can.

Kinesics... let's get clinical...

Reciprocals  (interchanges of certain kinesic behaviours which occur in face-to-face groupings)

A. Reiprocals of Afiliation
     1.  Courting reciprocals (female)
          a.  Head held hight and cocketd
          b.  "Mark"  looked at from the corners of the eyes.
          c.  Chest throat out
          d.  Foot is extended and calf musculature tightened (cheesecake)
          e.  Eyes bright.
          f.  Eyelids slightly narrowed
          g.  Palm presentation:
                  (1)  when pushing back hair
                  (2)  when smoking\
                  (3)  when covering mouth like coughing
          h.  Submissive behavior patterns ("Victorian tradition)
                 (1)  shrinking
                  (2) lowering eyes
          I.   Hair preening
      2.  Courting reciprocals (male)
           a.  Hair preening
           b.  Musculature toning
           c.  Thoracic Display
                    (1)  Sucking in stomach
                    (2)  Squaring shoulders
           d.  Dominance behavior
                     (1)  Drawing up to full  height
                     (2)  Protruding jaw
                     (3)  standing in close

Do you think that courting people recognize this behavior?

Did guys like Don Juan recognize this behavior and act on it? 

Don't miss an important call!

The Week magazine sez:  The American Funeral Director  magazine  reported that some people are now being buried with their  cellphones.  Just in case.

Don't miss an important game!

The Week magazine also sez:  A rabid Cleveland Browns fan was ticketed for riding a motorized sofa to a game.  The sofa was unregistered and "had expired plates."

Let's talk about LOVE  (according to Leo Buscaglia) 

o  Love is like a cigar.. the brighter it burns the quicker it  turns to ashes.

o  Love is something that renews itself.. the more you give, the more you have.

o.  Love is life!  If you miss love, you miss life!

o  How many times a day do you say "I Hate" rather than "I Love"?

o  Don't miss love... it's an incredible gift.

o  Everybody loves a lover.

o  As long as you feel useful, you'll never be old.

o  Look at the beauty in the world:

     nice weather
     touching someone

Yogi sez

According to the Funny Paper (which I highly suggest you subscribe to)   Yogi Berra immortalized the following;

"I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia.  Let them walk to school like I did."

"Even Napoleon had his Watergate."

"When you come to a fork in the road, take it."

"It ain't over till it's over."

"It's like deja vu all over again."

"The future ain't what it used to be."

"He hits from both sides of the plate. He's amphibious."

"The towels were so thick there, I could hardly close my suitcase."

" A lot of guys go: "Hey, Yog, say a Yog-ism."  I tell 'em, "I don't know any."  They want me to make one up.  I don't make 'em up.  I don't even know it when I say it.  They're the truth.  And it is the truth. I don't know."



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