Sunday, September 11, 2016

9/11 Remembrance; Santa Job Gone; Mensa Puzzle; Snake Protection; Gratitude Journal; Geezerguy

A sad day of remembrance.  So, let me give you some different things to occupy your brain so you won't be too depressed.

Bye Bye Santa

Well, it had to happen sooner or later.  My job as Santa Claus for our local NARFE Chapter is over.  Could it be that I have lost too much weight?  No... the reason is that the club has outgrown funny gift-giving. So, now we will have some kind of religious presentation at our December meeting. Boring, but it's probably what the troops want.

Speaking of "troops"...  what does Mr. Trump think our current Generals will think of him if he becomes president, when he called them a "disastrous mess."   Hasn't Donald read: "How to win Friends and Influence People?"  Having a lot of money, tall buildings, tall hair, a bully's attitude... doesn't win true friends.  Perhaps they might influence some "fair weather friends" like Rudy Giuliani and Chris Christie.  I'm sorry.  In my opinion, he is a "con man".. and a good one at that... but who in their right mind wants another Nixon in the White House?

Mensa Acrostic

The Mensa Bulletin made the following quote from Remote Viewing by D. Morehouse, into an acrostic, as follows:

"Physicist Max Planck said 'A new scientific truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and  a new generation grows up that is familiar with it.'"

Ken Herbert was the "setter," as they say in England.

Smart Lady

The Readers Digest quotes Sharon Boucher:

When a neighbor's home was burglarized, I decided to be more safety conscious.   But my measly front-door lock wasn't going to stop anyone, so I hung this sign outside:  "Nancy, don't come in.  The snake is loose.  Mom."

Gratitude Journal

One of the classes that I once attended for us "old folks" suggested that our lives would be richer if we kept Gratitude Journals.  These are forms allowing for the recording of three good things that happened to a person in one day... the titles were:  What Went Well?  and Why Did this Happen?

I thought this was a good idea, and I tried it for two days... and then gave up.  For whatever it is  worth, here are my entries:

Day 1:  1st good thing:  Elaine really liked Sunday dinner. Pork chops, green beans, and baked potatoes.
Day 1:  Why did this happen?  Elaine coached me.

Day 1:  2nd good thing:  I went through a whole box of "stuff" and pulled out "to do now" things.
Day 1:  Why did this happen?   A sudden spurt of ambition overwhelmed me.

Day 1:  3rd good thing:  I wrote a very good blog entry (no.. it was wonderful!)
Day 1:  Why did this happen?  The muses attacked me.

Day 2:  1st good thing:  I put my autobiographical introduction into Blogger.  The intro is about the Gypsy prediction.
Day 2:  Why did this happen?  I wanted a grabber of an intro for my book.

Day 2: 2nd good thing:  I discovered the interesting Maura Murray Missing Girl Story
Day 2: Why did this happen?   I read about it in the New York Times and put it on my Kindle.

Day 2:  3rd good thing:  I updated two of my suggestion memos for Carroll Lutheran Village and sent them off to management.
Day 2:  Why did this happen?  I love this place, but there are lots of improvements that should be done.  I'm anxious to learn if the CLV management looks at my suggestions.  Probably not.

This last note points to a frustrating feeling that I have sometimes.  As the member of various boards, my suggestions have always been addressed, so, it irritates me that if I make a suggestion to a company or a corporation, I usually get the "bedbug letter."  So be it. 

I gave this Gratitude Journal program up quickly because I could see it occupying all of my free time. Maybe I'll just go on as I have for years and then I might have time  to sit in my rocking chair and relax once in a while, until called forth to fix the world as: .


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