Thursday, September 15, 2016

Courtney; Sport Hunting; Fathers Day; Christmas; Handsome Grandson

Whew!  67 degrees this morning.  Are our 90 degree plus days gone now?

I got my new scanner working and scanned a few things for a test.  Let me show them to you.

My Friend Courtney

My friend Courtney Gilbert was 18 years old in the 8th grade.  This was apparently because of sickness as a child. As you can see in his picture taken at that age in 1948, he liked to dress like Al Capone.  Now, in 1948, the way he dressed was strange and most of the kids made fun of him.  I did not.  I recognized his great brain, and  I was able to keep bullies away from him.

He is the guy who wrote detective stories about a sleuth named Joe Vaughan.  One of his stories was published in a monthly True Detective type magazine.  I was astonished to read it.  And, also amazed that there was a Massachusetts murder case mentioned in the same magazine.  The people in the article looked familiar.. it was his neighbors who lived just downstairs in his house!  I've been trying to find that magazine issue for years, with no luck.

Courtney lived with his mother, but his father must have been a "big shot" somewhere where he owned these suits and hats that Courtney wore all the time.  The father must have also been a photographer, because Courtney's front room (with a locked door) held lots of what looked to me to be very expensive photographic items.

Courtney had his license and drove what must have been his father's gangster-type vehicle, a 12 cylinder automobile, that may have been a 1930 Packard.  I'm not sure.  Courtney and I would drive around the city, visiting his girl friends (yes, he had some).  He was a gentleman with the ladies.  We also spent a lot of time visiting the artistic movie houses in New Bedford.  I still remember seeing "Shark Woman" for the first time and how it affected me.

When it came time for me to go to High School, Courtney decided that he knew enough and decided to quit school, so we lost touch.  He got a job as a soda-jerker, and had flocks of teen-age girls visiting him at the "malt shop."  When I was in the service, someone sent me an article about Courtney.  While "quahoging" (that is, feeling with your feet for large clams in waist high salt water and "harvesting" them), he drowned.   A sad end to an interesting guy.  I'm very glad that I was able to be his friend for a couple of years.  He taught me a lot about life. (I like it!)


This article was taken from a Mensa magazine.  If you can read it, you will know my ideas about sport hunting. (I don't like it!)

Fathers' Day

My cartoonist son, Chris, sent me this card on Fathers' Day, a few years ago.  I like it!

Christmas Time

My daughter, Elizabeth, and her family sent me this card. Her late ex-husband, Bob, was also a good cartoonist, as you can see.   I like it!

I hope you can make it out.

Graduation Time

This is a picture of my handsome grandson, Jackson, who graduated from High School in 2014 (as you can see) and who is now in College.  I like it!

Now you can see the fun I'm having with my new scanner.  Stand by for more soon.


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