Tomorrow, we mark the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attack. Once again, I would like to see us stop using the term "terrorist" and replace it with "cowardist." Makes more sense to me.
A couple of days ago, I finished the last 6 ounces of a wine I made in 1976 (40 years ago!) I had sampled it from time to time, but it needed the whole period of time to age properly. It was delicious! It amazes me how "age" can improve most wines... and sometimes people.
On the same day, I used my Giant Grocery Store points for gasoline. Instead of paying $2.19 per gallon, I played $.95. Not bad.
Trump Poem
Francie Lynch wrote this poem mentioned in the New Yorker
Comb-Over for Herr Trump
"Donald has a comb-over./
Hitler, a funny mustache./
Herr Donald?/
Heil Hitler!"
The Greatest Diva?
For years, I have thought of Kathleen Battle as having the most beautiful soprano voice of any lady in opera. But I completely missed reading about her "diva antics" and her firing by the Metropolitan Opera. Marie Callas also had "diva antics," but I've read where Kathleen's antics were so bad, she had everyone mad at her. For instance, at one time, she was disappointed with her dressing room when she found out that another singer had been given a better one. Supposedly, she walked into the other dressing room, took all of the other singer's clothes and personal items and threw them out in the hall, while she took the room over for herself.
Anyway... there is supposed to be a movie being made about Kathleen's life: The KB Project. The New York Post indicates there is some problem with funding. I understand that the Met has finally forgiven her and she will be given a singing role soon. I hope her voice has held up.
Texting Terms for Seniors?
Readers Digest printed the following from
BFF: Best Friend Fainted
BYOT: Bring Your Own Teeth
CBM: Covered By Medicare
FWB: Friend With Beta Blockers
LMDO: Laughing My Dentures Out
GGPBL: Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low!
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